LILIUM - Cloning and Medical Services

Discussion in 'Nexus Market' started by majo, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. majo

    majo Magical Girl Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Coroner and Funeral Home

    The uncertainty of life is a threat that looms over all of us. LILIUM offers security to those who wish to plan ahead as well as factions and cities looking to properly handle the deceased. LILIUM is currently a small business, looking to grow in numbers. Despite our small staff, we strive to offer excellence in handling loved ones and bounties alike.

    Services and Guarantees:

    • Secure Storage of Cloning Information. LILIUM offers the storage of you cloning information upon the event of your death. This information will only be given to those you list as authorized, or used if your body happens into the morgue. We outsource all clonings but promise they will be satisfactory. In the future, we plan on having an in-house cloning facility.
    • Funeral Arrangements. For those who wish not to be cloned, LILIUM offers many pre-planned packages, as well as the option to completely customize your funeral arrangements. These plans can be discussed in more detail privately.
    • Corpse Pick Up and Disposal for Cities. For colonies who hold a standard of ethics concerning death, LILIUM offers to pick up unidentified corpses for possible identification and reporting.
    • Compliance With Organizations and Governments. LILIUM is a neutral third party agency that will help organizations record fatalities, offer proper soldier's funerals, as well as provide proper autopsies to members who die under suspicious circumstances. LILIUM will also report possible bounty finds to the faction who posted the bounty for a percentage of the offered reward.
    • Compliance With Private Investigators and Law Enforcement. While LILIUM is not under government sanction, those law enforcers and private investigators who wish to gain information from autopsies for investigative purposes may do so. Suspicious patterns and activity will be reported to those cities who ask for LILIUM's services.
    • Jane and John Doe Descriptions To Be Posted On the Nexus. In consideration of those who may be looking for their loved ones, or even for factions looking for missing members, we at LILIUM promise to quickly report all unidentified to the Nexus.
    • Tissue Market. For those looking to buy tissues or bodies for scientific or experimental use, LILIUM will sell these tissues from unclaimed or donated bodies.
    • Partners: LILIUM has recently partnered with ICIF and its affiliates. We are proud to welcome ICIF as a partner and we look forward to the prosperity that will come from this partnership.

    LILIUM reserves the right to refuse services to anyone non-compliant or outwardly hateful in nature. All payments not on time will have an increasing interest rate placed on the payment. This rate begins at 5% and increases in increments of 5% every week overdue. Once payments are given in full, no refund can be given. However, if there are still payments being made, a refund of the most recent month's payment can be given to those who decide to back out of our cloning information storage and funeral payment plans. All products already purchased through the plan will also be awarded to those who back out of the payment plan.

    To those seeking LILIUM's services, you may find a business form here, or personally contact Kannon Iverso or Nexus User SHY10. Thank you.

    //Kannon's contact information is listed here.//


    LILIUM is currently looking to employ more morticians and assistants! Those looking for a position, please fill out the following form:

    • Name:
    • Age:
    • Species:
    • Qualifications: References/Past locations of employment/Current Affiliations:
    • Best Time for Interview:

    LILIUM is very selective of who it hires, and therefore, please do not expect to post a job interview and be hired. Please contact Kannon Iverso with applications.

    //Her information is listed again.//​


    Kannon Iverso- CEO and Founder

    Shyten Naahl- COO (( @WowGain ))

    Deep Blue (( @Skid ))