Lantern Lumpards

Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: - Lantern Lumpards / "Paper Lizards"(Glowan Lacertus)

    Description: - Deriving from a similar descent of the Komodo Dragon, the Lantern Lumpards are a semi-aquatic warm-blooded lizard with paper white skin which hosts several smaller bacteria within it's eyes and crystal-like tail spikes, both of which are bioluminescent. However, the creature can control where the bacteria lay, using their inner muscle to push it about their body to hide it from both predator and prey alike. Whenever this is the case, their pink-like flesh shines through their eyes and spikes. As such, the creatures underwater, when in packs, create a glowing mass which can, if their numbers are at an extreme, pierce from about 2,000 meters below sea level. In addition, they have meter-long talons which are used to scale trees as to reach their food. Also, said talons can be used as a method of self-defense, if needed. However, one thing that differentiates these creatures from K. Dragons which scientists cannot explain why they lost this trait is their venomous saliva. Some theorize it was because of their introduction to Hylotl Society.


    Behavior: - The Lumpards are a docile race, often times preferring to bask atop of objects and structures they believe hold food for them. Similar to how a Angler Fish hunts, Lumpards will remain on a flat surface where they believe prey lies, remaining perfectly still as they let themselves glow. Then, whenever they feel anything brush up against their skin, they quickly turn to snap at the creature. If it doesn't strike it, it'll simply go back to it's original position and begin waiting once more. This process, due to the lazy nature of the Lumpard, can take up to several hours – which is fortunate, as the Lumpards have a very slow metabolism. However, if food is left out for them (such as ferns or dog food,) they will ignore all attempts at hunting and just eat that instead.As for taking care of heat issues, they typically will begin roaming about, avoiding damp, cold locations and favoring warmer places, such as inside caves and people's homes. Seriously. They just... wander into people's homes, whether or not it's warranted. And they really don't care if the residents start freaking out or whatever. They just do it until they become provoked.

    Tamability: the Lumpards, as scientists believe, are "As tamed as they're gonna get." Though they do not follow commands, neither do they complain about being picked up and moved about (as long as the lizard knows the person is there.) However, they can be trained to follow people, if they figure out that they are the ones feeding them. The only time they will retaliate to 'taming' is if the user literally strikes them, in which they will likely strike back. Hylotls, however, had managed to find a use for these beasts – as traveling billboards for their people to used. The Lumpards can be picked up and rested on a hylotl's lap, then, with a bit of black ink and a brush, are painted upon. It's because of this that people can literally paint designs on these creatures, without them caring – as long as no ink gets in their eyes, of course.

    Where is it found?: - These creatures are typically found in many locations - from the caves of snow-coated landscapes, to hylotl breeding pools, to anywhere in between. As such, they are typically embraced by the hylotl community, and treated as traveling messengers to anonymous people across their villages and cities.

    Rarity: - These creatures are not at all rare, often times being located because of their bioluminescence. However, when this is not the case, their sea-faring nature often times gets the better of them as they begin lighting up the ocean floors – a beacon for some sailors to measure the depth of the waters.(Wild felines aren't rare.)

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: - The Lumpards are a Omnivorous race, leaning more towards carnivorous, and, if they really wished, could quickly become top of the food chain. However, due to their Behavioral traits, are less then likely to do so. Typically, the creature feasts on whatever pesters them, or any provided food, regardless of what it is or what it looks like, the only exception being it's own kin. However, if the hunts aren't turning out so well, they can resort to eating leaves and various plant life. However, only in extreme circumstances will they ever attempt to chase down and slaughter prey that is large in size - such as a human, or a manticore (though, this is likely to get them killed.)

    Products?: - They are a product, as they behave like hylotl billboards running around. However, a detachable product that will not harm the creatures is their paper-like skin, when they shed. The skin can behave almost exactly like paper, as the creature has very little need to shed as consistently as other races.

    Some training sailor camps use these creatures to tell how deep the land is near land. All it costs is a bit of chumming, or dropping bottom feeder wafers when one is nearby.

    If a person desires, though it is extremely frowned upon, the user may extract the bioluminescent liquid from a gland near their underbelly or any part of the Lumpard which is capable of doing so. However, the creature must be sedated, as they aren't too keen on losing it.

    Reproduction: - It's sexual reproduction, similar to how the Komodo Dragon does. There's really no major differences with the exception that these creatures mate slowly. It can take up to 24 hours for them to complete a single mating session. However, upon giving birth to their young, Lumpards will produce eggs, in which they will spray a small amount of their bioluminescence upon them. As the eggs do not actually have the bioluminescent bacteria with them when they are young, it must be applied externally until it becomes one with the creature.

    Size: - Typically, the female is about a foot shorter then the male in terms of length, but that's not saying much, considering the beast is about 6.5 feet long for a male. Their body mass, though subject to change based on gender and lifestyle, is approximately 175 - 200 lbs.

    Lifespan: - In an ideal world, a Lantern Lumpard can live about 35-40 years, regardless of where they live.

    Abilities: - As previously stated, these creatures have the capability of glowing through their eye sockets through a fairly thick, but transparent, gland covering their eyes. Their tail spikes, however, provide a much stronger light due to it not covering any major organs. Because of this, a Lantern Lumpard can lure other creatures to it's location, and pick off one accordingly to feed. However, these creatures also use this to navigate the dark, as their bioluminescence acts as a lantern to them, and as such earn their name as a 'Lantern Lumpard.'

    Flaws: - These creatures are lazy, and will only move if they feel the need. As such, creatures that are capable of dealing a singular strike to the creature are considered it's predators, as the only time they strike back is when they are physically provoked. In addition, if a Lumpard isn't wary of it's surroundings and has it's bioluminescence fired up, they pretty much become glowing target practice. Also, any ranged weapon of any sort, if they do not know where the source came from, will likely not be pursued, resulting in their untimely and slow deaths.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2022