Kotori Akamine

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by BullisStick, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. BullisStick

    BullisStick New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    [/b]General Information[/b]

    First Name: Kotori (middle name: Satara)
    Last Name:
    Akamine Age: 29
    Race: Hylotl
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Straight 
    Residence: Ship

    Relationship: Dating (dating Shiro Amari)
    Friend(s): Ariil Howler (Her boss)
    Enemies: NoneBirthday: 12/27/3255
    Sexuality: Straight 

    [/b]Physical Appearance[/b]

    Standing at 5'7'' she has smooth, light grey and turquoise skin. Her hair is also turquoise as well. For clothing, generally she wears light and or very revealing clothes when possible. She will cover up if she get too cold or needs to dress up for work. Her Eyes are a deep red


    Personality Type: ENFJ


    Political Ideology:

    The ENFJ is the people organizer, warm, harmonious, and an enthusiastic champion of people who just wants to "do good.” They make sure the needs of the people are paramount, placed in pole position on the agenda, and taken care of.ENFJ's are excellent networkers who tune into what others want and are generally well-liked and popular among their colleagues. ENFJs have a tendency to bite off more that they can chew, as their first priority is to say "yes” and take the pain away from others. During such times, the ENFJ may feel weighed down by the amount of work to which they have committed and so may become overwhelmed. This desire to "do good” can also mean that the ENFJ sees pleasing others as far more important than pleasing themselves, so they may run the risk of trading off honesty for harmony, for keeping the peace rather than telling it like it is.


    Coming soon, waiting on somebody's post to finalize her story.  3