Name: KNI-Tech Swordarm Description: The arm appears to be normal at first glance, aside from visible metal plates in the back of the hand and seams along the arm. However, upon activation, these plates will open to reveal a multitude of small pore-like jets in the back of the hand, elbow, and throughout the arm. Abilities: This arm is specifically crafted for enhancement in melee combat. The jets are programmed to react according to a swing's momentum, so that it can enhance its accuracy and velocity--causing more damage than a regular swing. Conditional Abilities (Optional): The jets can be used manually, although it is not recommended because it will cause future calibration issue or physical damage that would require either lengthy recalibration, hefty repairs, or the purchase of a new arm entirely. Limitations: If the protective plates on the arm are not covering the jets while the jets are not in use, liquid can heavily damage the arm, requiring the replacement of it. Keep the arm covered when not in use. Due to its usage of certain metals in the jet-laden parts of the hand, the back of the hand, arm, and elbow are more susceptible to damage than the palms and inner arms. How does it work: Hundreds of small jets are a placed around the arm, so that they can help enhance swings from punches or weapon strikes using a fuel source located in a custom spot within the arm, or the upper arm in stock versions. Flavor text: Inspired by the mighty swing of a Knight of Honor. Attainability: Open Tags: [Military] Category: Prosthetics
Pending. 1. You didn't enclose a way to obtain this semi-closed app. 2. Why is this semi-closed? It's a simple app that could be done by anyone in the Galaxy and I do not want to give the impression that any attempt at making a jet-propelled arm would be gatekept by this app.
"It's a simple app that could be done by anyone in the Galaxy and I do not want to give the impression that any attempt at making a jet-propelled arm would be gatekept by this app." but if anybody can make it then why would i need to app it?? :/
As such tech does not have a lore page in our wiki or a pre-existing app for it, I can not defer the application. I believe it is an incredibly simple thing to app, but still useful to have public information about.