Name: - Kharnarath Imps Description: Tiny, robotic, horned demons. Behavior: - They are aggressive creations who will fight whatever challenges it, no matter the size. However, when tasked with a project (Such as constructing a Hell Portal, repairing a Daemon, etc.), they'll be more concerned with finishing that than attacking other creatures, but won't hesitate to fight back if provoked. Tamability: - They make look cute, but they don't care for making new friends. The only ones they are friendly towards are the ones with Kharnarath's approval, otherwise expect them to attack. Where is it found?: - Wherever a portal to Kharnarath's realm (A fiery planet of unknown location) is opened. There's some planets out there taken over by the forces of Kharnarath, however your best shot at finding them is in the Tartarus layer of the Undercrypt. Rarity: - Finding a planet populated by them is very slim, especially because of their system requirements. After a siege on a planet, the imps only live for a few days, either powering down or returning to the portal they came through. You might find a few in the Tartarus layer of the Undercrypt, hunting the local wildlife for blood. Of course, there's plenty in Kharnarath's realm, but nobody comes out of there alive from how hostile the environment, and how hard it is to get there. Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: - They are powered by a combination of a thermoelectric battery and hemoglobin. Since they are small in size, they cannot house a self-sustaining thermoelectric battery capably of powering them indefinitely. While in an environment that's temperature can reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit, their internal systems can break apart the hemoglobin found in blood, extract the iron from the mix of iron and proteins, and separate the excess electrons from the iron to power their systems. To survive for a day, they would need a cup of blood. Products?: - While they cannot produce anything alone, they are excellent builders, and their memories contain various blueprints for Kharnarath structures and machines. Reproduction: - They are built on Kharnarath's planet in large factories. They do not reproduce with eachother. Size: - They are small, usually around three feet in height. Weight: - Even though they are short, they are still made of metal. They can weigh as little as 100 pounds. Lifespan: - Their longevity is not long if they don't have a reliable source of blood. Otherwise, with proper maintenance they can live indefinitely. Abilities: - They excellent builders, quick and agile in combat, and have the knowledge to build ancient Kharnarath structures. Flaws: - They are vulnerable in cold environments, as their batteries can no longer separate the iron from blood. They will also not live long without blood, lasting around a week without it. Other: - Small in size, huge in evil!