Name: - Kharnarath Daemons Description: Giant, robotic, fiery demons. Behavior: - They are extremely aggressive, and will attack anything in sight unless commanded by one with the ability to tame them. Tamability: - The ability to tame them is hardly known, especially after the Fire Pit's archives were burned. The only way to command them is to find favor in Kharnarath, not an easy task. It's safe to assume that you won't be taming them anytime soon. Where is it found?: - Wherever a portal to Kharnarath's realm (A fiery planet of unknown location, only accessible through portals programmed to connect to it) is opened. There's some planets out there taken over by hordes of mecha daemons, however your best shot at finding them is in the Tartarus layer of the Undercrypt. Rarity: - Finding a planet populated by them is very slim, but you're guaranteed to find a few in the Undercrypt. Of course, there's plenty on Kharnarath's planet, but nobody comes out of there alivefrom how hostile the environment, and how hard it is to get there. Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: - They are powered by a thermoelectric battery found in their chest, which generates electricity through heat provided by embeded core fragments. An environment where temperatures can exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit should be enough to keep them powered. Products?: - Death Reproduction: - They are built in the realm on Kharnarath's planet in large foundries. They do not reproduce with eachother. Size: - They are extremely large in size, ranging from 65-80 feet. Weight: - Tons of tons. They're giant and metal, after all. Lifespan: - With the maintenance provided, the only way they'll die is if a badass force takes them down. Abilities: - They're large and extremely powerful. They can breathe fire from their mouths, and can be repaired by Kharnarath Imps given the time. Flaws: - They are vulnerable in cold environments, as their batteries can no longer create their own energy. Other: - You gotta be a badass mother fucker to take these guys down.