Juggleman (Reposted )

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Jestephos, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Juggleman. Scientific name: Gelatious repulsicus

    Jugglemen, as referred to by colonists of the swamp planet they're indigenous to, are large bipedal creatures. They resemble a deformed human with an elongated skull and a lack of a neck. They are mostly bright pink flesh and fat, with thin but tough leg and arm bones. Their mouths are toothless, and they have acute eyesight. They are also ridiculously stupid, leading to most communities driving the creatures away out of disgust for them and their mindless behaviour. They take ages to learn things and forget them remarkably fast. They could figure out how to get a fruit on top of a tree after trying for a month, before forgetting and having to relearn the process after taking a bite of food.

    Jugglemen splash around in swamps noisily with no regard for their safety. It is normally dangerous to go near them not because of their stupidity and weight, but the fact that they attract predators looking for an easy meal. They have no self defense adaptations and usually let out a sound similar to a wet fart when attacked. This usually leads to the attacker becoming more savage and brutal in the killing of these creatures sheerly out of spite and annoyance. They are herbivorous, their only redeeming trait in the gene pool being that they can digest and get nutrients from nearly any plant matter. When not looking for food or irritating locals, Jugglemen breed and look for mates. They taste surprisingly alright, gamey, and somewhat sweet. Unfortunately, hardly any colonists or sentience races eat them. They're missing out. Go ask one of the seven metre swamp crocs, they'll vouch for me and say that Jugglemen are delicious.

    Very docile, but also difficult to tame. They could sit on their owners and kill them by accident. They could walk off a roof. They basically are too stupid to tame properly unless you can somehow stomach their sight for the years it takes to teach it its own names. Also, hardly anyone would want one as a pet or companion.

    Where is it found?:
    The swamps of their native planet. Everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. They're like the cattle of the planet, but uglier and useless.

    Very common. Could almost be called the dominant species of their planet. Colonists originally thought they were intelligent, but changed their minds after observing their behaviour for twenty minutes. This is recorded as one of the fastest known cases of dismissing intelligent life.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy:
    Exclusively herbivorous, managing to digest and eat any plant matter. Florans included, but no Floran is gonna sit there and let one of these things touch them. Even if asleep the stupid git bumbling through the swamp water would likely wake up the Floran. They eat leaves, twigs, branches, fruit, anything that can be found in the swamp.

    They taste okay I guess. Nobody would want to eat them though. Their bones are pretty tough so they could be used like how regular hard bone could be used.

    Sexual reproduction. It's a very disgusting and disturbing process. Females give live birth to 5-10 Jugglechildren after a gestation period of 1 month. (This high birth rate is the reason they are able to repopulate despite being constantly butchered by other animals.) They are extremely common, and as such, finding a mate is not an issue. It is a noisy and disgusting experience as they carry out sexual reproduction while making a cacophony of wet fart noises (Though somewhat... happier sounding ones?). There have been reported cases of civillans and colonists on the swamp planet committing suicide after watching a pair of Gelatious repulsicus mate. "It cannot be unseen. Not now, not ever." to quote one such man, before he hung himself on his roof after gouging out his eyes.

    Size: They range from around 1.5 metres tall to a maximum of 4 metres.

    Weight: 90-600 kg. The really heavy ones usually die from not being able to get around effectively.

    Lifespan: 10-25 years.

    They can eat and digest any plant matter. They get their nutrition from eating pretty much anything planty.
    High reproductive rate.

    Disgusting to the point where creatures will want to kill it just so they don't have to look at it.
    Very tame and no self preservation instincts. Would walk up to a crocodile and boop it on the snout just to see what would happen. Would just scream when they die.
    They mouth fart when they're dying and they mouth fart and normal fart when they're fucking.

    People in civspace have begun using pictures of them as a 'meme' of sorts, telling people to "CHECK OUT THIS COOL ___(Music, game, video)" and instead linking an image of a Juggleman.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2022