Jekar Males

Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Jekarian Male as it is drawn in the Canadian Wildlife Guide


    The most is known about Jekarian males due to their activity being surface related. Suprisingly they have dark red scales on their body mainly to trick carnivorious birds to attack them. Other noteable physical traits are their long almost malformed arms, with several Keratin blades on them varying between 1-3 Blades.

    They lack eyes, making them completly blind aside from their other senses.




    Jekarian Males tend to drift on the surface, however only exposing their hard scales on their back to the surface. This is commonly used to preserve energy or as a hunting strategy. When active they spend most of their time on the underwater surface, to scavenge dead animals or eat smaller water based prey.


    Due to their aggressive behaviour they often attack other lifeforms on sight, being known to fight till they are too exhausted to even "breath"


    Where is it found?:

    Jakarian Males tend to drift on the surface like said above, however they can also be found in the depths between 500-2500ft, only going to depths like 3000ft to mate with Jekarian Females.

    This species is native to the Ice planet Terminatus Minoris IV.



    Jekarian are Common despite their to their aggressive nature to one another, also keeping their fair share of distance from populated areas due to the noise emissions.


    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy:

    They are simple carnivours, sometimes even resorting to self cannibalism when food is scarce



    Their rather durable scales are commonly used by hunters as protection, another noteworthy product are their sharp Keratin blades.



    Jekarian Males and Females meet at the peak of their adulthood, both diving to the depth of 3000ft where the female will allow the male to fertilize a specialised eggpouch on the underside of the female. For the next two weeks the male will safeguard the female, after that period has ended the male will begin to extract the male eggs, forming them together using a bubbly salvius to keep the eggs clumped.

    The Males will then rise towards the depth of 1000ft, planting the eggs either on kelp or the underside of bigger rocks where the eggs will the mature, the female will carry the female eggs till they hatch and mature.

    Male eggs are a dark red while female eggs are a cloudy white.



    Length: 5-7m when fully matured






    32-50 years. 


    - Very reactive to sound and smell

    - Sharp Keratin Blades





    - Slow reproduction

    - Dry out in a perioud of 1 hour when outside of the water

    - Walking on land is often a great difficulty ( Unable to run or charge at great speeds )

    - Unable to see

    - Has no Nostrils ( Smells using its tongue )

    - Extremely loud noises often causing the creature to be stunned ( example: Gunshot at point blank range )



    Females yet to be studied.