Introducing Olympus and Iona

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by insidertrading, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Welcome to the capitol
    I'd like to introduce everyone to my most recent pair of hubs releasing onto the server.

    Olympus and Iona were never planned to be a double-feature, but as the scope of this project overall and the production put into it expanded, dates were moved around..
    Olympus: Olympus is the Jewel of its star system, originally making an appearance on the server many years ago, this Hub was recreated in the spirit and scope of its old counterpart to honor what the original creator of Atlas saw as his vision of the faction. This new hub comes complete with modernized sprite work, an entirely new layout, and detailed architecture and execution. Every part of the hub has been thought and rethought to provide areas for people to RP, both in public and in private. Environmental storytelling, both discreet and pronounced, tell the story of a colony abandoned by its government, to be picked up later. While 'later' was much later than it was originally planned to be, the story has not been forgotten. This hub has a post-launch plan to keep it relevant over time, the details of this plan will become apparent as the hub grows.


    Welcome to the colony
    Iona is the first 'colony' to be added because of my 'empire' system that will control the gameplay of the Atlas Empire.
    Iona: Iona, the closest planet to Olympus was set as an expansion target by the then-corporate Atlas. They saw the natural protection of the planet as useful to create colonies for secretive work. Come the age of the Atlas Empire, this idea has shifted to a more residential philosophy. The initial test of Atlas' feudal-like governing system would be carried out on a Venusian-like planet. Reign of this world would be given to the first Atlas Chancellor and Viceroy combination. This small colony is set to expand over time and through the intervention of the government.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020