Originally posted by @Reggie Name: Ichor Description: A creamy, hot, and odorless substance that closely resembles water. Abilities: · It blocks a small range of bullets. · Ichor never sustains permanent damage (with few exceptions, such as water), eventually turning liquid once more and reforming. · Due to the water-like appearance of the substance, it refracts light. · The substance is ferromagnetic, allowing it to be projected and manipulated in ways similar to plasma (In ways such as shields). Conditional Abilities: · One could put food dye in the Ichor to give it color. Limitations: · Unable to block melee weapons. · Unable to block subsonic bullets or plasma. · .44's and other stronger caliber bullets can shatter and penetrate the substance. · Ichor takes time to re-liquefy after breaking (3 turns). · Touching it with your bare hands can cause mild to severe burns. Also, don't eat/drink it. Conditional Limitations: · Ichor is a polar substance, meaning it dissolves in water as well as most other polar substances. · In the case of a shield using Ichor's abilities, the user cannot fire a supersonic projectile while the shield is active without the projectiles being blocked (Obviously). How does it work: A non-Newtonian fluid is one with rules that differ from regular fluids such as water. Ichor is one such fluid. It is dilatant, meaning it becomes more solid as pressure is applied to it. The point at which it becomes fully solid, however, is so unreasonably high, it can only stop certain projectiles (or anything of similar pressure) before breaking, while most objects pass right through it like water. Viscosity is the frictional force between atoms of the same fluid as they flow by each other. Ichor's viscosity grows very slowly due to its high temperature (100° C). The atoms are constantly in a high-energy state, keeping the substance flowing and liquid for much longer than most other fluids of its kind. Flavor text: Rusto, after having cut off Gary's arm, was reminded that water briefly appears to solidify when an object makes impact with it (namely Gary's arm). Due to his irrational hatred for plasma, he wanted to make a substance similar that he could use instead, and the water gave him the idea to use non-Newtonian fluids to achieve such an affect. Attainability: Open Tags: [Industrial] Category: Materials Credit to /profile/53-nemo-please-forgive-me/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="53" href="/profile/53-nemo-please-forgive-me/">@NEMO PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! for the idea and forcing me to do all the work.