Materials I.S.F (instant sealing foam)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by DocShibe, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. DocShibe

    DocShibe New Arrival Silver Donator

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Name: I.S.F ((instant sealing foam))Description: a foam compound based on sugar strands genetically engineered to expand at higher rates and at lower temperatures, causing a carbon foam to spew forth sealing people and or holes, using a catalyst to avoid the high temp requirement and making so it can't burn things or people

    Abilities can seal holes on ships, or any other place that needs it can be administered through a canister, launcher, or cement gun

    can be used to immobilize persons or vehicles

    Limitations: the expansion rate for it is  limited based on delivery form, a grenade will only make a 3-foot radius, a launcher will make a 5-foot radius and a foam sprayer can launch it within 10 feats of its nozzle the foam takes 1.5 seconds to set and sets to a light but strong and air tight stone like substance on the Mohs scale

    How does it work: by bioengineering a sugar substrate and a high carbon catalyst, the foam expands trading personnel or sealing holes in anything, it's water proof and air tight, and can only be dissolved in a high iron-rich solution, this stone rates about 7 on the Mohs scale, or about the stretch of quartz

    Attainability: semi-open Atlas only

    Tags:  Industrial

    Category: Materials

    this had one pass via wowgain, if it still has it due to the move I have no idea