I.R.M.A, Peppy Bot Extraordinaire

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Ashleigh, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh New Arrival

    Dec 17, 2017
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    General Information

    Name: I.R.M.A, commonly just called Irma Rhett.
    Date of Realisation: The 17th of January, 3255
    Species: Custom-made android
    Gender: None, though has the personality and identification of a female.
    Citizenship: ICIF citizen
    Skills: Not much a tall, though she knows some very basic CQC techniques.
    Best Friends: Syed, Tahi, Adela and Radical Horizon, Noska, Ernie, Lloyd on payday.
    Friends: Everyone and everything!
    People she isn't friends with but /needs/ to be friends with: Loo :(
    Emily Zecks - Two Cents (Ice Cream Song)

    Physical Appearance

    Irma's general scheme is that of a generic Android, just metal upon metal. Though rather short at only 165 centimetres tall, she always walks with an air of confidence no matter the situation, with the only discernable feature making her in any way unique being her head's two ear-like structures and her central screen both with colours dictated by emotion.


    Personality Type: Bubbly and optimistic, overbearingly so.

    Political Ideology: Irma is rather lacking in the political side of things, though she largely disagrees with the current foundations of known empires. Of course, she is still an ICIF citizen despite barely staying within their territory.

    Irma always carries herself with a sense of pride and an optimistic attitude, with high strides when she isn't skipping away to her heart's content; this is only matched by her voice, like an overly-excited valley girl who never really learnt how to be quiet. With these influences intertwining to create an individual who never shuts up and loves to talk people's ears off, she's always talking to someone or something and most of the time in an inquisitive as well as invasive manner in equal parts. Though this will commonly portray her as suspicious or prying, it's always with the best intentions.
    Irma's goals are extremely simple in the longer scheme of things, being four core factors. Firstly, her biggest goal is to befriend every single person in the Fringe that she can, subsequently linking to her secondary goal of getting a hug from every political leader in said fringe; the other two goals are much more material, being to weasel her way into some adventures and learn to fight, experiencing the half of the fringe that she was initially locked out of. The goal of adventure is the foundations for her final goal which is to build a collection and portfolio of the coolest and cutest things she can find in the fringe.


    Irma's backstory is largely forgotten due to her lack of sentience when she was first conceived, starting as a rudimentary lesser intelligence designed to build upon itself in later iterations. With her original body being merely a mechanical arm like that of a factory in an empty white room with a couple of toys and a couple fragile objects, she developed much slower than an average person and got her first android body at six years of age.
    Though she had obtained the aforementioned body, Irma was nothing close to a sentient being at this point as her code had barely grasped how to move and the basics of depth perception. At seven, she was sold off to a young engineer named Ernie Rhett due to the expenses that such a robot in such an early developmental stage would cost, though gaining sentience shortly after.
    Her life after this point was generally dull, going day to day helping her owner and only father figure to get by. The ways they did this was largely via engineering work on hovercars and other robots, taking them through their years until Irma had reached the age of twenty. By then she had the intelligence and mind of a teenager, though the rate at which her intellectual faculties improved hit a drastic turn for the better.
    In the early months of 3284, Ernie and Irma set off for a new life in the Fringe for better or for worse. After procuring food, which Irma was sent to do and which ended up being a year's supply of pasta and other largely tasteless nonperishable foodstuffs, the two set off just to have their engine break and be stranded with nought but their distress signal to keep them company. Eventually, the two managed to fix their engine and make way to the planet of Calgo for their first escapade into the new and scary land they had found.
    Modern-day at the age of thirty, Irma has had many experiences with the patrons of the fringe and made many more friends than most people could hope to make in a year, let alone just under four months. With her misadventures, she's made many an achievement though minor on the galactic scale, from having a cosy little home in the dustbowl of Calgo armed to the teeth to achieving friendship with many political figures. Now, it can only go up!
    Roren, zirconzz and Khaos like this.
  2. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    Gonna update this at all?