Huckleberry, The Eye-Patched Nova

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by InvaderCristi, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. InvaderCristi

    InvaderCristi New Arrival

    Jan 21, 2020
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    General Information
    First name: Huckleberry
    Age: 252
    Date of birth: 2,984
    Race: Novakid
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Current residence: Homeless/Lives on ship
    Relationship status: Single
    Financial standing: Fluctuates to hell and back. Livin' paycheck to paycheck for now

    Traits of Voice
    Accent (if any): Southern as you'd expect, somewhat old fashioned.
    Language spoken: Common Galactic, Floran
    Other languages known: Attempting to learn Avian, but got bored half-way through and gave up.
    Style of speaking: Very matter of fact in a tired-of-your-shit way. It's gruff enough to sound wild, but smooth enough to lull the wandering passerby
    Volume of voice: A voice as low as molasses that carries precisely as he means to.
    Physical Appearance (Art coming soon :D)

    Height: 6'2"
    Shape of face: A sharp chin, high cheekbones, smooth everything else.
    Distinguishing features: An eyepatch covering his brand
    Build of body: Toned/Muscular, but thin on the sides
    Hair color: A gloriously luminous amber
    Hair style: Slick
    Complexion: Smooth
    Posture: Slouched, lax. Has a bit of a lazy gait to him
    Typical clothing: Formal bartendin' attire
    Is seen by others as: Ex-Merc, now Bartender.

    Likes: The simple things, whatever he is fascinated by at the moment(As per Novakid style), Music.
    Dislikes: Sloppy work, needless violence, fools, anyone touching his fucking eye-patch.
    Education: Self-taught with a fanatic eagerness--but incomplete as he lost interest in various fields after a while.
    Fears: Getting damaged any further, losing anyone else.
    Personal goals: Find a place to settle down and live a slow, easy life.
    General attitude: Rough around the edges, but in a 'I suffer no fools' kinda way.
    Religious values: N/A.
    General intelligence: Intelligence always was too subjective to define. He's very knowledgeable in the areas of his talents, and is wizened in his field, but everyone's a fool at something.
    General sociability: While he is a man of little words and prefers his alone time, he can be fairly sociable--especially on the job.

    Injuries: [REDACTED]
    Sleeping habits: Has very, very long naps.
    Energy level: Tends to get tired easily
    Eating habits: Is used to skimping meals, but otherwise he eats as though it's his last day if he can
    Memory: Impaired as any Novakid would be.

    Huckleberry was born into a family with many needs. It wasn't for greed, they simply lacked in comparison to most folks. This meant that even his earliest years he could remember he was always workin'. It was rarely consistent: sweeping the floors at some decrepit gas station, watching over people's ships as a living scarecrow with a gun he didn't know how to shoot, the works.

    Eventually it was revealed to him why they had so much issue getting money, his parents had been in an extreme debt that they had no hope of paying off. They worked themselves to sickness, and in the end when their bodies were too broken to work the debtors thought they could get more out of them by harvesting their brands and their plasma.

    They might've fallen over and accepted it if it wasn't for the fact that they tried harvestin' their kid first. They fought, there was a struggle, and despite losing their firearm the debtors killed the parents both. However, they didn't pay attention to the kid, and he shot their heads right off while they were distracted.

    Once a killer, always a killer they say. It wasn't long after that Huckleberry resigned himself to killing for money. He didn't really consider any other path for a long while(because the pay was too good) even when he started to slow down on behalf of an injury that he couldn't quite heal. What finally was the turning point for him was running into Fernpaw, whom he rescued after a rough job. After an odd set of circumstances he ended up being stuck raising the young Floran, and by that time he realized he didn't want to put the kid through any more stress than they already experienced--Floran or not.

    So he tried other avenues of work instead, most of which failed, and he ended up losing whatever credits he had stored up during his little experiments, but in the end he found out he was good at tendin' so he focused on that.

    Now, hopefully, he can get some god damned peace and quiet.

    Parents: Long dead, but never forgotten. Helped 'em as best I could but a kid can't raise their parents too.
    Siblings: N/A. Even I was too many mouths to feed for the family.
    Any enemies (and why): Probably have a lot, couldn't really care to remember their names though. That's just how it is with my line of work... Even when you quit it still haunts ya'.
    Children: [Adopted] A Floran named Fernpaw, but she's all grown up now.
    Friends: N/A
    Best friend(s): [To Be Named]((They're in but they haven't decided on a name yet/made their character sheet.))
    Love interest (if there is one): Life's too busy for somethin' like that. Maybe another time.

    Peaceful or violent: Peaceful until violence is presented, will try to deescalate before he draws weapons
    Weapon (if applicable): Plasma sword. He hates using guns for some reason.
    Style of fighting: Prefers to disarm(literally) rather than kill. Fight smart but not hard kinda guy. Usual technique is to use his TECHs and lighter body to get as close as he can and deal a blow before they can retaliate.

    Occupation: Technically jobless for now, looking to become a Bartender
    Current home: His ship, otherwise homeless.
    Favorite types of food: Anything the burns well, especially Curry
    Favorite types of drink: Creamy Irish Coffee
    Hobbies/past times: Had many, but none of them really stuck like playing the Banjo and mixing drinks.
    Guilty pleasures: Banjos are a wonderful instrument, it's the only thin' that I haven't gotten bored of. Also can't help but 'smile' at the sight of someone with a good work ethic.
    Pet peeves: Sloppy work
    Pets: A pink snugget named Flom, but sometimes Fernpaw feels like one despite his better judgement
    Talents: Mixing drinks, playing the banjo and a little bit of harmonica,
    Favorite colors: Black, it helps me glow a little less. Don't like the thought that I'm causin' eyestrain to the average folks.
    Favorite type of music: I can appreciate all types, just depends on my mood.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
  2. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Working-class characters are the best. Welcome.