Hello Good Sirs and or Madams

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Orlonymous, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Orlonymous

    Orlonymous New Arrival

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hey...Im terrible at introductions but I suppose I will give it the old college try as they say as they say. The name is Orlo and I am incredibly interested in whatever is going on here. Just picked up starbound and played for a short while before deciding I needed company so I looked up servers and this one seems just right for ol me.  I am an avid D&D player and love to RP, although I must admit aside from tabletop gaming I have done little of it for a long while now.  Im interested in getting more out of this game than just grindin meh way to the end and this seems like the perfect place to do so, however I am running into the small problem of being slightly computer illiterate and have no clue as to how I actually join the server or what to do to get in on this. All the helps is appreciated.  Yours Truly, Orlonymous