Healing Beams

Discussion in 'Approved' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Healing Beams, MediGuns, etc.

    Description: A Healing Gun's main component is a pack that fits into the back, containing a variety of materials required for the operation of the gun; this includes a battery pack to power the device, as well as a supply of regenerative syrum that the device draws from to perform its needed function, and other storage spaces for things such as stims and other chemicals; that function being incredibly fast regeneration on the battlefield. The gun itself appears as a projector-like device with a tube hooking up to the pack. The beam generally appears to be a swirling beam of blue with particles running through it.
    Other more expensive models may instead store the stem cell syrum in a hammerspace module, so that it is less bulky.

    • Projects an energized tractor beam of regenerative syrum particles onto a target, rapidly regenerating their wounds in a matter of seconds. Range is 8 meters.
    • Can also dispense other medicines such as stims by changing which storage tank it draws from.
    • Regenerative syrum must be specialized for the race in order to work properly. Otherwise, it will just roughly patch the skin and fail to actually regenerate, but can still stop bleeding. Some racial syrums, however, are difficult to obtain as they may be less common or more expensive.
    • Battery limit is one hour, and syrums will run out in about 25 combat turns of use. (On a full tank; typically tanks are divided to store the stem cell syrums of multiple races, based on the makeup of the crew.)
    • Repair is only temporary, some major wounds requiring medical attention after the battle.
    • Pack is bulky and heavy, making other larger weapons a hassle to carry.

    Conditional Limitations:

    • Obviously will not work for inorganic beings.
    How does it work: Contained within the storage tanks are small canisters of a regenerative syrum, sold by various medical companies such as Nen-Vesk and MedCo; the syrum contains a mixture of a regenerative cocktail that speeds the process of cellular repair and immune response, and a decellularized tissue matrix which provides a form of 'scaffolding' for the cells to grow into, used by the gun by projecting it in a zero-point energy beam along with an electric current to mold it onto somebody's wounds, the stem cells rapidly roughly regenerating wounds to as they were before, if with some scarring. With some time, it can even heal major damage such as broken bones, torn organs, and more, though temporarily as the seal is weak. It cannot, however, heal complicated tissue such as brain matter, without major brain damage occurring.

    Flavor text: Invented first by the Hylotl some hundred years ago, the technology rapidly spread across Civspace as an expensive equipment used by higher-ranking combat medics, and even those without medical expertise. This makes the role of the field medic in the heat of battle much more important as a support role, truly being able to turn the tide of a battle. (Healing Beams can also be placed on drones as a component, adding weight and using similar power to a tractor beam).

    Referenced Technologies: ReGen

    Attainability: Open


    Category: Medical
  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Got them changes down we discussed, Re-Passed. @PrivateNomad
  3. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Seconded. Passed.