The Haven TimesToday, a guard-involved-shooting took place at the Monorail, and outside of the Solus Building elevators. When Protector Nevada Brown entered the city, he didn't expect to be assaulted by a very large non-citizen armored Apex, armed with a double barreled shotgun that, thankfully, wasn't discharged at the scene. Protector Brown had earlier been talking with a couple of friends, which the Apex had tried to follow back to his ship. When one of the Protector's friends stopped him, all hell broke loose, as the gang ran back to the Solus Elevator to seek refuge. While at the hover rail, Brown and an ADF employee stand off with the suspect, before the ADF member fires one round, incapacitating the Apex temporarily. He is then taken into custody. HOWEVER, FOLKS, THIS STORY GETS CRAZY, on the way to the cells, the Apex manages to break out of, (or off) his cuffs, (or hands) and a tense standoff takes place on the bridge, this was taken from Protector Adam's body cam. //Nevada is on the ground, a hand tucked into his shirt, probably reaching for a gun. The apex's... nubs, are up in a fighting stance. It looks tense.// After a long talk between the suspect and primarily Brown and Adam, the suspect calmed down. He was later charged. All guards involved: Brown, Java, Adam.