Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Haven Times
    Hello, readers, and thank you again for reading the Haven Times! This is your Chief Editor, Ordicus Strigis, writing to you the real news.

    SOLUS has been under a lot of controversy recently due to a drastic rise in electrocution-related deaths recently, which people have attributed to poor construction of SOLUS power lines and junction boxes. However, it seems now that even non-SOLUS equipment is dangerous to be near, with people having reported large arcs of electricity jumping to what seems to be impossible places. Some locals have taken to calling this phenomenon the "Thunderbird" - mythical being or not, something is certainly wrong, and there are proceedings in place for a class action lawsuit against SOLUS for negligence. Here is a statement by Sinji Ekta, CEO of SOLUS:

    "Solus junction boxes are completely safe and up to code. Our top engineers have been investigating this issue extensively, and we assure you it will be solved. It is a bit... confusing, to say the least. What should be happening isn't happening. This should be impossible given our safety standards. It's like an anomaly." - Sinji Ekta, SOLUS CEO

    Regardless, we at the Haven Times offer our sincerest condolences to the families of the victims.

    Onto other news, scientists at the Gaia University have spoken up regarding the Zephyr migration, and when the fleet of cloud-like animals will stop for the Capital District. Dr. Rodsworth Killingworth explained the matter further:

    "It will be soon; likely next weekend, if our predictions are correct! So prepare the banners, the lights, the cotton candy! Oh, right - a Zephyr. Fascinating creatures, truly, truly fascinating! They are made of phase matter - that is to say, neutric matter, and their make-up is quite similar to clouds. Real foggy, and they love water vapor! Great for the environment too, they help replenish ozone. They can be found here in Haven as well as in many parts of Lapetus' upper atmosphere, floating about. Here in Haven, their migration is an annual event! Thus was born the Zephyr Cloud Festival! Remarkable, is it not?"
    You heard him loud and clear, folks! The Zephyr Cloud Festival is coming soon, for a third time since Haven opened its borders!

    Now, onto other news. After recent news, it was revealed that David Ward was gay; and who else as his couple other than Giovanni de Guanciale, member of the Guanciale Renderan family? David Ward's decision to come out the closet was controversial, but many in the Capital District are supportive of Senator Ward. However, some in the catholic Renderan district might disagree. Congratulations, Dave! Make sure you invite me to the wedding.

    Now, finally, onto our dreadful talk of politics; one diligent citizen posed the following question: "does the senate do anything"? Good question, diligent citizen! It seems that the Senate has been rather lax lately, with very little activity coming from the Senate Chamber. Could they be planning something, or are they simply incompetent? Regardless, it's up to you to decide, as election season begins next month! Think you've got what it takes? It could suit you to run for Senate, or dare I say Grand Protector.

    Thanks for reading, dear citizen, Ordi out.


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    greg (unbanned), Yz2 and schizothotep like this.