Name: Hallucinogenic cat (Felis catus mutatamente) Description: A regular appearing house cat,usually smaller than usual. Behavior: Average cat behavior,if a bit more likely to stay in groups or "Confusions".Tends to secrete larger amounts of hallucinogen when irritated.Hallucinogen is used to keep predators such as dogs and homeless Florans away. Tamability: High tame-ability Where is it found?: Urban areas,pet stores when misidentified,the wilderness,but rarely Rarity: Uncommon,but can be commonly found in abandoned buildings Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Hunting and eating small animals,pestering their owners/feeders. Products: A hallucinogen that varies in potency from breed to breed,which is most potent when inhaled or "huffed" directly from the animal but can be harvested.The hallucinogen is released in moderate amounts,so the effects are only felt when the user or victims has their breathing orifice near to the cat.This hallucinogen averages to be about as potent as datura, though as mentioned before varies slightly from breed to breed and lasts about 30mins-1hour Reproduction: Sexual and often,resulting in litters of 2-4 kittens Size: Slightly smaller than a cat Weight: Slightly lighter than a cat Lifespan: Slightly longer lifespan than an average cat Abilities: Releases hallucinogens through a modified sweat gland (has regular sweat as well) Flaws: Slightly weaker than a cat,attracted to catnip and so on Other: Hallucinogens are most potent in the kitten's,most likely to ward off a near defenseless kittens numerous predators.A nexus store currently exists for varying varieties of Hal-cat (insert link here). Common users of the halcat often use a "cat bong".The origin of these cats is often credited to a group of highly intoxicated geneticists from many years ago.