//GS-LW Diffuser Prototype// ((previously accepted))

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Jonathan Cristallum, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Jonathan Cristallum

    Jonathan Cristallum New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: GS-LW Diffuser [Prototype]

    Description: A fairly large sphere of lenses made together to form a thick sphere of transparent glass. Inside of the glass sphere, is a congregation of various tech, accompanied by more, colored lenses. At the bottom of the sphere, is a universal connecting device for all outlets, for powering the device.

    Abilities: Make a room that would otherwise be filled with colored objects or people, into a greyscale environment, similar to that of an old timey movie.
    [Device being demonstrated in a colored room.]

    Limitations: It can only be used in one room. And, like a lightbulb, it has a certain distance to the greyscale field it generates, meaning it won't entirely light up a ship hangar. This device is also a prototype, which means it will have bugs now and then, like a person will be in full color in the greyscale room. It requires a moderate amount of energy, so it needs to be installed in an outlet or equipped with a steady power source, meaning it most likely won't be portable.
    Conditional Limitations (Optional): If you have multiple of the GS-LW installed in a room, most of the lighting bugs will be gone, but overlapping greyscale fields might conflict, making part of the room dark or pitch black.

    How does it work: The GS-LW uses a 3D scanner, white light bulb, and a laser to analyze any materials in a room that might have color, the wavelength of the color (recorded by the white light bulb, which emits white light, and an object reflects the wavelength of light you'd see if the room was normally lit.) , and where they are. The 3D scanner projects through the room, to make a map of the room, to see if the amount of light and the greyscale field generated by it can be used effectively, covering the whole room. The white light bulb is used to record the wavelengths of light that the objects or people in the room give off, when it's on. The laser is projected through the lenses to make a diffuse laser, further analyzing the room and any parts of the colored object or people that isn't lit by a stationary light. The GS-LW then processes the scan data and the color of the objects in the room, projecting equal parts of base colors of diffuse light through the lenses to produce greyscale color. Depending on the lightness and saturation of the diffuse light, depth is given to the grey objects in the room, so it won't look like a pure grey room.

    Flavor text: This device was invented by Jonathan Cristallum, as an effort to see if he could create something new. In later versions of the device, he plans to use it to change specific colors into colors other than greyscale.
    Attainability: Open

    Tags:  [Civillian]

    Category: Tool