Grey App 2: You (Can) Redo

Discussion in 'Denied' started by DUWANGO, Jul 4, 2017.


    DUWANGO New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    Name: Protometal Prototype


    Description: A body made out of .2 inch thick aegisalt plates and a .2 inch thick titanium frame with a bopet lining. Weighing in at about 287 pounds at 6'1 and accesorized with a green scarf and a retractable faceguard where his ears are at. The only thing organic about him now is his brain. 

    [​IMG]                [​IMG]

    Without Faceguard        With Faceguard


    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/b]Eyes
    : [/b][/font]
    [/b]-eyes augmented to support thermal, night vision and (can be used without permission)[/b]
    [/b]Face Covering:
    "safety screen” with holographic display linked to ENDI Scanner[/b]
    still has its BRST because he is still a Hightower operative. His brain is in his chest instead of his head. [/b]

    Power Source: 
    [/b]his fucking torso is a prototype microfusion reactor[/b]
    [/b]Left Arm:
    Designated storage arm. (depends on what's stored in it to be accessed w/o permission)[/b]
    Right Arm:
    Tranquilizer rifle arm, literally.[/b][/b]
    [/b]Two medium sized ion thrusters in his legs that propell him foward. He also has hover shoes- his strength being his speed, mobility, manueverability and agility. SPEED CHART: 

    [/b]Walk 10/h[/b]

    [/b]run 30km/h[/b]

    [/b]sprint 45km/h[/b]

    [/b]+15km/h speedboost with thruster[/b]

    [/b]Hovershoes + Thrusters = 60km/h[/b]

    [/b]Defense Mode
    Given sufficient permission from Diana, Grey's strength is ramped up from Apex level and his abilities are unlocked. This comes with serious drawbacks, which I listed below. 


    [/b]Strength: 1.5 that of a Floran[/b]

    [/b]Access to the abilities that can't be used w/o permission AKA the ones not stated to be used w/o permission[/b]




    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/b]He can't use most abilities until Diana approves it or unless he's going to die. [/b]

    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/b]His chest /is/ a microfusion reactor after all and if damaged or hard contact EMP'd for more than 3 consecutive turns he's gonna overheat, and at the 5th turn he's fucking donezo- he's gonna melt into plasma. It also generates lots of electricity and heat and would be very noticable if scanned.[/b]

    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/b]His weak spot is signified by a glowing spot on his back covered by a disc. **REALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS**[/b]

    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/b]When "LETTIN ‘ER RIP” it's pretty noticeable as his body is sparking with electricity as circuits can fry. I roll a D100 and if it's below 50 something breaks and if it's exactly 50 Diana rolls a d100 to decide it.[/b]


    How does it work: Most of the parts mentioned here are bigger things (the ion thrusters, tranquilizer rifle arm, reactor ) streamlined to fit into his body. The tech that need explaining I linked below (Edit as of 7/7/2017) besides the fusion core which is as Diana puts it; "
    The fusion core is essentially a scaled down fusion reactor that uses Novakid Brands as magnets to contain the fusion reaction inside a core about the size of a voleyball"

    "tell them to poke me about it for info if they need to" - Diana 

    Also, do I really need to explain hovershoes lol

    Flavor text: He's the first, standard prototype bullshit. I've spoiled too much in the precious.

    Referenced Technologies:

    Eyes: [/b]




    Attainability: Semi-closed

    Tags: Military

    Category: Augments

    DUWANGO New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    Bump lol it's been a week

    DUWANGO New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    Bump, but with the newer version of the chasis and facemask and also CLOTHES
