General Information Name: Grackle Aves Passer Date of Birth: 4 November, 3237 Species: Avian Gender: Male Citizenship: Hesperian Occupation: Naval Officer; Admiral (Ret.), Radio Host, Salvager. Quotes: "You know, if it wasn't for the fact that breathing is an involuntary reflex, I'm sure you would suffocate." "I've got a joke for you guys. What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in the middle of the ocean? Fucked." "I prefer the term 'Nationalist', thank you very much. Nationalism is the belief that my planet is better than yours, and we'll kill you to prove it. None of this 'Let's share everything' hippie-bullshit." "HEAVY CRUISER UNDER ENEMY SCOUT SHIP ATTACK!!!! WHY AM I SHOUTING THIS!?" "If I ever come into a large sum of money, I will not change. My bad decisions however will live on gloriously." "Anyone seen my coffee mug? It's white and has 'HCS Jackdaw' written on the side. Anyone? C'mon, guys, that's my only one." "I should've been in a Metal band..." Color Scheme: Black feathers, piercing blue eyes Physical Appearance Black feathers and sharp blue eyes. Stands with a tall, yet somewhat slouched posture, much like a Vulture. Shares many facial features of Vultures as well, specifically Bearded Vultures but without the feathered tufts (the so-called "Beard". He cuts those feathers regularly. He doesn't like them.) Being from a desert world with three suns, he doesn't mind the heat, but seeing as how most habitable planets share an average temperature of approximately 70-76 degrees F, he commonly is seen wearing thick clothing, such as flannel shirts, leather jackets, his favorite pair of 1,268 year old Levi's Jeans he got from salvaging a ship. Less often he can be seen in his black wool Naval Uniform, somewhat reminiscent of a WW2 German Panzer uniform (Honestly, it's almost identical. Same hat and everything, just without the boots.) He also wears his custom made Naval Jackboots or goes barefoot. Personality Personality Type: ETNJ Political Ideology: More or less conservative. Believes the government really shouldn't have their talons in everyone's business. In a first encounter, Grackle is often very polite and formal. To his friends, he is fiercely loyal and always willing to lend a hand where he can, regardless of the job, but he's not above telling his friends that they're fucking stupid while helping them. You know, like a true friend. More often than not, he comes off as brash, and very direct, but also trust worthy and able to keep that secret of what you did in the bathroom of your school in 8th grade at lunch. When it comes to his goals, there is only one option: Victory. It may take some time and patience, and it may take a few attempts, but it will happen. It's only a matter of time. Enjoys the simple things in life: A safe home, a good meal,, scenery, video games (Loves a good FPS or simulator), and travel. His dislikes are very few in number: Communists/Communism, "Hippie-Bullshit", water chestnuts (They know what they did), and toasters. Backstory Born on the Avian-Space border world of Hesperus-II as the son of a Oral Hygienist and a Naval Shipyard Worker, and the eldest of three children, Grackle Passer wasn't always as stone-willed and outspoken Avian he is today. Early in his life, he was quiet, introverted, and really only spent time with his younger brother and sister while he was in school. During his High School life, he began to branch out and wound up as a member of the "Eccentric Eight" as the school called them. Along with his friends Arhem Sa'Vaki, Rina Alara, Runi Morana, Jules Tourni, and his siblings Cua and Ix Passer, this once quiet bird quickly turned into one of the school's most widely known students. After his Senior year, all but Jules, Ix, and Cua enlisted into the Hesperian Military, as Ix and Cua were too young and Jules, to quote, said "Fuck that, I'm going into business." Grack, Alara, and Sa'Vaki chose Navy, while the others went Army. Military life suited Grackle from the get-go. Embracing the chance to have his previously built mental walls broken down and rebuilt, he kept pushing through to the very end, regardless of how much he wanted to quit. Taking full advantage of his time in the service and the educational opportunities allowed, Grackle earned himself a wide set of degrees. With a Master's in Business Law, two Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and Business Management, and a Associate's in Music Theory and Construction, Grackle was set to earn his ranks and eventually earn his way into Officer Candidate School as a newly crowned Ensign. Even in the rankings of an Officer, he was fast to move up the chain. His skill, dedication, attitude, and positive work ethic had him promoted to the rank of Commander in four years, vice the average of six. As the Navigator of his first ship, the Heavy Transport 'HCS Jackdaw', Grackle was subsequently issued the position of Executive Officer (XO), and eventually the Commanding Officer (CO) in his total of 23 years in the Navy. Further incidents sprouted that earned him the rank of Admiral before his official retirement, but Hesperus Naval High Command has deemed these events Top Secret and are For Official Use Only. During the Hesperian-Argus War, in which hostile forces of the now-defunct Cult of Argus attacked and invaded Hesperus. Grackle, once again at the Conn of the Jackdaw led his men to the gates of hell along side forces of the 542nd Planetary Defense Fleet under command of Grand Admiral Xorus Kobel. The destruction of the invading forces and pursuit of fleeing attackers led to the world of Siccon, which the Hesperian forces invaded and fought the Cult to the bitter end. For bravery in combat and in leading his men through the rigors of combat, Grackle was awarded the Planetary Defense Medal in Gold with Lances and the Defender's Cross 1st Class. For injuries suffered in the line of duty, Grackle was awarded the Black Cross. Other commendations include: Ship Destruction Badge-Gold (For the destruction of 20+ Enemy Ships), Anti-Ship Gunnery Badge, and the Army's Tank Assault Badge during surface combat on Siccon. After a Honorable Discharge and a teary-eyed Retirement Ceremony, Grackle headed off-world for a bit of travel and soul-searching, Grackle found his way to the Trident United Trade Hub and became a security officer for about six months, and meeting non-Avians for the first time in his life. He enlisted onto the crew of an escort and salvage craft known as the "Aurora", captained by Julie Rorke, and after a enjoyable time of service and friendship, found his way to the Fringe. His military ambitions also found him in the rankings of the Galactic Rangers, but quit after several complaints that he was "too harsh", "mean", "morally grey", and "cold-hearted". Nowadays, he spends most of his time in his ship, hosting his radio show, and basking in the glow of a life well lived.