Goose Wyverns

Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Goose Wyverns

    Goose Wyverns are a species who are somewhere in between reptiles and birds. They are native to Aren, a savannah planet in civspace. They have a head similar to that of a goose, covered in feathers and down. Their mouths are filled with sharp teeth, their tongues are covered in sharp teeth and their throats are lined with downward facing sharp spikes to stop prey from climbing back out.


    Goose Wyverns possess a single pair of limbs, which function as wings. The underside is white, to camouflage with the clouds and the top, along with the rest of their bodies, are a light brown in colour. They possess clawed digits in the middle of their wings, and they can fold their wings up to walk with them. These creatures have no legs, so they slither along the ground with their scaled undersides when not using their wings to walk. They have a line of yellow spikes running down their back.

    Goose Wyverns possess a lower body similar to snakes, having a snake-like tail and a single orifice from which they excrete and procreate from. Their mating season is in spring, and their children will be grown enough to fly by winter.

    Behavior: Goose Wyverns are clumsy on land, but graceful in the air, turning and twisting. They are cold blooded, and must bask in the morning. They are typically angry and violent, chasing people while attempting to nip at them with their sharp beaks. They hardly kill people, however, usually pacified when offered snacks. They tend to flock together while honk-hissing, a term used to describe their calls. These creatures have an easily identifiable cry. They create a long, loud hissing sound that gradually decreases in volume, before letting out a ear-splitting honk. They use this to stun prey and scare off predators.

    Goose Wyverns, being somewhere in the middle of the food chain, spend most of their day either hunting prey out in the wilderness, or bothering people in colonies. Every year, when the seasons change, Goose Wyverns have to decide between flying off in search of warmer weather, or finding a warm place in a city to rest. They have a friendly relationship with the people of Aren, and are sometimes kept as pets to hunt down invasive pests. While they act like utter assholes to people, nipping them and chasing kids, the humans enjoy their company as a whole, and do not try to eradicate or drive them off unless they are in immediate danger from the wyverns. Shooting one is seen as acceptable in self-defense, but hunting them is highly discouraged


    Goose Wyverns can be tamed through a period of offering them food, shelter and warmth. They will then grow accustomed to physical interaction, allowing people to ride them through the skies. Few can hold on for long enough to use them regularly, as they tend to thrash about and spin in the air without regard for the rider. But riding them is usually used as a tourist attraction, or done by thrill-seekers.

    Where is it found?:

    They are found on the savannah planet of Aren, where their brown coloration blends in with the landscape below. They tend to live near cities, where they can interact with and harass the inhabitants. They live in large flocks, either sleeping in parks, or out on plains. They prefer smooth, clear areas to nest in, and a group of them will usually clear out rocks and other obstructions in a large radius before nesting. They can also be found in zoos and circuses around the galaxy.


    Of average rarity. They aren't absolutely everywhere, but there are rarer things than them. Native to Aren, but some have been brought off world for use in zoos and circuses.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy:

    Omnivores. They hunt for small animals, but can digest bread and berries too. They do not eat rotting food.


    The feathers on their head are used as quills when dropped. Their eggs are a delicacy and their scales, which periodically drop off, are used as traditional medicine. Their meat tastes like a mix between Goose and Crocodile.


    Sexual, and they lay one to two eggs. The eggs are large, slightly bigger than an ostrich's. About a kilogram in weight. Take about a month to hatch.


    Babies are tiny, but at a full year, they're around a metre long. They can grow to be 6 metres at most.


    1kg-60kg for babies in the first year of their life. Afterwards, they get a lot heavier, up to 630kg.


    10-25 years. They can fly before they're a year old, and keep growing until they either reach their maximum size or die.

    -They are extremely flexible and can maneuver extremely well in the air.
    -Have very sharp teeth, and a lot of them
    -Younger ones are fast

    -Assholes. They do not get along well with other animals
    -They get a lot slower when they age, and the largest ones fly much lower and slower.
    -Their necks are easy targets for predators

    Other: None. Sprites for drawable use and a Json of their capture pod will be added as soon as I can get it working.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2022