General Information First name: Starfinger (chosen name Free) Middle name(s): Circuitborn Surname: the Everprogrammed, Despot of the Gazhevy, Defender of the Gulyás Delta, Doge of the Free Fief of Yerisztam (chosen name Radical) Age: 44 Date of birth: 07/07/3242 Race: Glitch Gender: Male Sexuality: Not Applicable Current residence: Space Vessel, HMS Farouk Relationship status: Widower Social status: Noblerobot Financial standing: Wealth has faded in travel and misfortune, still comfortable living Traits of Voice Accent (if any): None present, as a Glitch Language spoken: Galactic Common Other languages known: Cherkess, Turkish, Hungarian, Floran Style of speaking: Formal presentation amidst societal equals, somewhat condescending word choice otherwise if not aiming to please. Volume of voice: Operationally average tone of voice. Physical Appearance Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 pounds Eye color: Single red optic Skin color: Gilded Shape of face: Square-ovaloid Distinguishing features: Monocle-replaced optic Build of body: Slender fit construction chassis Hair color: Brass Hair style: Mohawk Complexion: Well-polished Posture: Ramrod straight Tattoos: Light floral engraving in chassis Piercings: None Typical clothing: Formal martial apparel Personality Likes: Gambling, high fashion, sport shooting, art curating, political debate Dislikes: Grime, cold weather, post-contemporary architecture, arson Education: Court education, field-taught business education Fears: Immolation, Ghosts of the past Personal goals: Restoration of business domain General attitude: Polite, if judgmental Religious values: The All-Program General intelligence: Circumstantial General sociability: Relatively outgoing, if wary of butting in unnecessarily Health Illnesses (if any): None known Allergies (if any): Diodia Sleeping habits: Money never sleeps, he rarely does Energy level: Physically low, socially high endurance Eating habits: Salads and cognac all day every day Memory: He's got it Any unhealthy habits: Gambling, Drinking, Smoking, Entrepreneurship History Once a successful businessrobot of some esteem in his local star system and beyond, Free Radical came to the ire of others during his career and side-taking with local Glitch powers over new rising organic nation-states and was "encouraged" to leave whilst leaving the majority of his stock and all his staff behind. RelationshipsParents: Duke Overcharge the Everprogrammed and Queen Ladyfinger the Warforged Siblings: Sir Lightfoot and Sir Switchtower Any enemies (and why): None so noteworthy to list Children: None Friends: He has interests now, not friends Best friend(s): Long since passed, bless their roots Love interest (if there is one): Long since passed, bless their circuits Combat Peaceful or violent: Peaceful Weapon (if applicable): N/A, once used an ancestral blade in his youth Style of fighting: Used to be fencing Others Occupation: CEO of Radical Industries Current home: Space vessel, HMS Farouk Favorite types of food: Raw Oyster Favorite types of drink: Apple brandy Hobbies/past times: painting, dancing Guilty pleasures: Smoking, Table-top RPG games Pet peeves: lip-smacking Pets: N/A Talents: Quite the talented cook, but you won't see him doing it publicly Favorite colors: Blue, Gold Favorite type of music: Klezmer