Young Fluffalo The Numerous Kinds of Fluffalo, including Electric, Fire, Ice, Poison and Regular varieties Name: Fluffalo, ( Bison darwinius ) Description: Fluffalo can look very different depending on the enviroment they're in, but all have thick manes of fur covering their entire bodies with sharp horns on their head, even in females. They have very short stumpy legs and large eyes. Electric Fluffalo fur conducts electricity very well and their horns also act like Tesla coils. Ice Fluffalo have incredibly insulating fur fit for the enviroment they live in. Fire Fluffalo fur is very heat resistant and their horns act like flints, being able to spark fires nearby. Poison Fluffalo have venemous secretions all-over their body and their horns are less developed than other fluffalo. Behavior: Fluffalo behavior often depends on their location, but most Fluffalo act similar to bovine animals, which is where they get their name. They will group up in large herds and are largely docile unless threatened, and then they will defend themselves by creating a circle of Fluffalo. Ice and Fire fluffalo tend to keep themselves near sources of heat and cold respectively, as it allows them access to the food they need to survive. Poison fluffalo are very aggressive and will often try to drive outsiders away Tamability: Fluffalo are hard to tame, but once tamed, are so for life. They require large amounts of food to be fed to them in order to be tamed and must have an appropriately sized pasture to graze in, usually suited to their individual species needs (Fire fluffalo need heating, Ice fluffalo need cold, etc. ) Where is it found?: Fluffalo can be found all over depending on the kind. Electric Fluffalo are often found on stormy planets, drawing electricity from the air. Fire Fluffalo are on incredibly hot planets like deserts or semi-volcanic worlds or near any form of volcanic activity. Ice Fluffalo are usually found in mountainous areas or tundra's and other snowy wastelands. Poison Fluffalo are generally found near jungle planets, in clearings. Normal Fluffalo are found just about anywhere that has a temperate habitat. Rarity: Fluffalo herds are increasingly rare as poaching continues on both domestic and wild Fluffalo for their fur and meat, but can still be found in the wild, given time to search for them. Diet: Most Fluffalo eat grass and other ground vegetables, though Ice and Fire Fluffalo generally eat tubers and mushrooms nearby to their habitat. Poison Fluffalos eat poisonous plants, which is where their venom comes from, and electric fluffalo eat mechanical food usually used for Glitch Products: Fluffalo Fur is incredibly well suited for different purposes, such as Fire Fluffalo being used for fire-retardent clothing, Ice Fluffalo being used for cold protection and electric fluffalo for insulation against electricity, for wire coatings or clothing. Poison Fluffalo venom is often used by native tribes as a means of hunting as it will cause incredibly vivid hallucinations and vomiting on the affected. Fluffalo meat is also something that is cultivated, due to the tangy taste associated with the numerous Fluffalo diets. Generally Fluffalo fur is amazing to be used as clothing, and is used as a fashion product around the galaxy Reproduction: Fluffalo herds are made up of mostly females, and the males fight over which gets the right to mate with them. Size: Roughly the size of well, a buffalo Weight: Similarly, roughly the weight of a buffalo Lifespan: 10-20 Years Abilities: - Can adapt to almost any enviroment, not just those listed - Some varieties are poisonous - Large horns can impale predators - Heat and Cold resistant fur Flaws: - Quite slow - Very dumb - Very trusting Other: Fluffalo naturally adapt in the span of a few years to adapt to their environment, it is not know how or why this occurs but it allows them to live almost anywhere and eat nearly anything. They must be in their juvenile or young stage for this to occur