
Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Fishboar

    ((Forgive me for my lazy cropping. I'm tired.))




            The Fishboar, as it is commonly named by travelling Human colonists, is a massive, sometimes dangerous beast covered in thick, armor-like hide. Named for its strange appearance, the Fishboar is riddled with spines and bumps, its rough-hide plating ending in flexible 'lips' that aid in feeding. This, in addition to its large, cloudy eyes and clear eyelids, gives it quite the fishy appearance, garnering 'boar' from its main method of attack. The fishboar stands sturdily atop pillar-like legs, strong muscles able to propel the beast forwards at nearly 20mp/h (32.18km/h). With its hide coming in many colors, the beast generally attempts to keep itself hidden in its chosen habitat, sifting through whatever they can find for food, which is quickly grinded up by its gnarly teeth for consumption. Their eyes, besides the stronger-than-average eyelids, are the only part save for their mouth and sexual equipment (and the fishboar poopchute) not to be armored.

    (For most of your description needs, look at the picture above, and measurements below.)




            The Fishboar is a generally-peaceful animal, but is violently territorial, prone to trying to physically push anything it considers a threat out of its assumed territory. Of course, with their strong muscles, sharp teeth, and a body nearly impervious to the weapons of the natural world, this generally ended with the threat either successfully being forced to flee, or with the Fishboar goring the threat with its teeth and crushing the life out of them with its impressive weight. While the Fishboar is basically a bottom-feeder of the surface, the creature's jaws are strong enough to tear a chunk out of a human being with little trouble. When a fishboar exits or is removed from its assumed territory (which is claimed upon reaching adulthood), it is filled with an almost irrational rage, pushing itself to break or kill whatever it could find in its surroundings until it finds its way back to its territory, where it quickly returns to its usual calm, slow-moving patterns. A Fishboar in the midst of a rage, be it triggered by loss of territory or by an attempted attack by a predator, is a force to be reckoned with, its hide even resistant to modern firearms and blades, to an extent, its resistance only augmented by the immense rush of adrenaline pouring through the beast's frame during a rage. It is assumed that the Fishboar feels little pain or hindrance from most injuries during a rage, fighting through even mortal wounds until it runs out of blood to pump. A freshly-deceased Fishboar can often be observed thrashing about even after its dies, trying to kill anything it can manage to touch- a decapitated Fishboar head still gnashing its jaws minutes after being removed from the body. The loss of a limb is generally not enough to kill a fishboar- the beast even fighting through its injuries... And consuming the lost limb after it has finished its battle.


            If a Human were to enter its territory, armed or not, an average fishboar would attempt to remove them. If attacked, it would respond with extreme prejudice. If something cannot be made to leave, a Fishboar will attempt to kill the intruder, grind them up into a fine red paste, and eat them, leaving nothing but a stain of blood behind. If a Human were to observe from outside of its territory, even if just at the edge of what the Fishboar 'claims', they would not be attacked, only warned with a disgusting bellow.


            It is common for explorers to accidentally stumble upon a fishboar, coming face-to-face with them due to the animals' habit of standing completely still from time to time. It is assumed that that sleep standing up, but when approached, they quickly wake up, or were conscious the entire time.




            No. Attempting to garner its interest with an offering of food will  likely result in it charging at you.


    ----Habitat / Where be Fishboars?


            Fishboars are widely-spread animals, eggs having found themselves on alien worlds from its origins over many tens-of-thousands of years- due to sentient life and otherwise, eggs even surviving planetary annihilation and even drifting in space in a sort of stasis for hundreds of years, surviving re-entry and hatching a healthy calf (which is self-sufficient at hatching) when the conditions are right. Fishboars can be found in a variety of climates and atmospheric conditions, as long air has oxygen and nitrogen in it, even in sometimes-smaller amounts, they can survive. Fishboars seem to prefer warm, wet places surrounded by swamps or jungle, but can survive in both desert and tundra, as long as there is a food source that can support it.


            Fishboars are pretty tough bastards. The oldest Fishboar killed to date is assumed to be over a thousand years old.




            Fishboars, while well-documented, are quite rare on most planets they are found on, with only a few dozen planets in the entire galaxy hosting a large (1000+) number of the creature. On most planets that are lucky enough to host fishboar, they number between 1 and 100. They are territorial, even to other Fishboar, only accepting of the opposite gender during breeding seasons.




            Fishboars are omnivorous, eating whatever meat and plant matter they can get their lips around, be it fish, insects, small mammals, or a variety of plants. When given a choice on the matter, a Fishboar will always go for small fish, crawfish, and other invertebrates over plant matter. Using its lips to skim through water or dig through dirt, the beast's strong jaws take hold of its prey, grinding it with a mixture of sharp and flat teeth that extend further into the throat than one would expect. Muscles in the Fishboar's mouth and throat move the food from mouth to stomach, assisting in compacting it on the way. The Fishboar's stomach employs a rather strong acid, which is used to digest flesh, tendon, and bone. A fishboar can eat over a hundred pounds of food every day, but can sustain itself on much less.




            Fishboar meat is surprisingly tender and delicious under the tough 'armor', and shares its place with the creature's eggs as galactic delicacies, cooks from every culture vying for it (and usually paying quite handsomely). The hide itself can be used as a form of viable protection against blunt force, and even small arms weaponry, but only to an extent, the no-longer-living flesh not able to repair itself after damage, and losing much of its flexibility- Which may lead to cracking, chipping, or all-out shattering.




            Fishboars are slow breeders, with females only able to lay eggs once every ~11 years, though their clutches are usually quite large (10+ eggs). When a female is ready to mate, it leaves its territory, finding a male's through distinct (and disgusting) gurgling mating calls that can be heard up to ten miles away. After mating, the male drives the female away from its territory, leaving the female to rage her way back to her territory. Three months after fertilization, viable eggs are laid in a wet area. Or anywhere safe, if little water is available. Ranging from five months to a year after the eggs are laid, a calf breaks through, the first-hatched usually destroying and consuming the other eggs in the clutch, no matter how far along they are. The juvenile fishboar generally stays at its mother's side until the calf grows large enough to be considered a threat, driven off to establish its own territory.




    Large Weight and body size (Strong musculature)

    Strong jaws and digestive acids, the latter rarely projectile-vomited at foes.

    RAGE. The Fishboar, when provoked, will fight until its death (And after) to remove whatever threatens it or its territory. Adrenaline rush x15.

    Notably-strong hide, resistant to small arms fire and blades, as well as fire, though their eyes do not have the same protection.

    Sometimes-camouflaged hide.

    Extreme climate-adaptability and endurance. Extreme eggshell endurance.



    Large Weight and body size (Slow to turn, slow to get up to speed, though it is hard to stop when it gets moving. Easily blocked by small spaces and gaps)

    Exiting the territory of a Fishboar will generally stop them from attacking, unless they were attacked themselves.

    Very poor senses, no sense of smell. Sight is generally poor and nearsighted.

    Generally unintelligent. Easily lured and trapped by loud noises in their territory. It is possible to throw something away from yourself during an encounter with a raging Fishboar and have the beast attack the source of the sound instead of you, should you stay quiet during.

    A fishboar exiting a 'rage' generally stays motionless, and is apparently exhausted for upwards of an hour, breathing deeply.

    Vulnerable to poisonous gasses. Though that'd spoil the tasty meat. Might save your life, at least.




    -Size Averages-

    (Larger has been recorded)

    -6 foot (1.83m) tall at the shoulder-

    -11 foot (3.35m) from lips to the tip of the tail-


    -up to three and a half inches of 'armor' in places-

    A Fishboar can be described as a larger, scalyer, angrier hippopotamus.



    To rp a Fishboar, make a character and sbse their nekkid features transparent. Using a Novakid as a base is best, as they do not have eyes that blink and float about.

    Here is the JSON



    -A pair of idiots accidentally come face to face with a fishboar.-