Elemental Spears

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Khaos, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    The One Named Olaf

    Name of Aug/Tech: 'Elemental' Spears

    Description: A set of five legendary glitch spears, all fundamentally of the same design, but with different features:

    'Glacier's Peak'- A Durasteel Spear, quite cold to the touch. It appears quite short at first to the naked eye, but those that study it may notice that the black shaft of the spear topped with the wickedly sharp, ice-sickle looking point (having a line through the middle of it to the naked eye), is a /bit/ too thick. If one twists and then pulls on the shaft, it pops down, extending from four feet to seven in length. The tip splits on the line, pulling to the sides and exposing the frigid port where the freezing gas comes out.

    'Volcano's Maw'- A crystaline, obsidian shaft with a tip of a conductive Aegisalt. When a small bit of the rough hewn shaft is twisted, a extremely hot, unstable plasma coating is activated on the tip, looking somewhat like a white hot flame, while the Aegisalt tip heats to a hot reddish white. When swung, the unstable plasma responds like a flame.

    'Earth's Wrath'- A reinforced durasteel shaft with a rubidium tip that resembles a large drill, with small diamond specks. When the secret feature is activated, the drill starts, tearing through most things that it hits, including most armors.

    'Sky's Arc'- A strong, violium shaft, hollow, with a superconductive point. When the trick of this weapon is active, the point opens up and electricity arcs out from it, shocking anything with a heavy electrical pulse that it hits, along with anyone that gets hit with the point.

    'Living Pain'- A normal looking spear, with a Aegisalt point and a strange, threaded looking shaft and a more solid looking part below it. When the trick of the weapon is activated, the bladed shaft comes apart as a whip, able to be slung around.

    Abilities: Listed in Description, I suppose.
    Conditional abilities (optional):

    GP- Much better against Florans and somewhat effective against organics.

    VM- I mean, it burns shit, so... Yeah.

    EW- Good against armors and chitin.

    SA- Conductive things and Florans.

    LP- Unarmored targets, along with being quite light and sharp.

    All of the spear's generators can be damaged easily due to age, disabling their special.

    GP, VM, SA, LP: Can hit the user.

    All spears can only be active for three turns or risk overheating.

    They also tend to overheat easily upon too much use.
    Conditional limitations (optional): They cannot be used in very, very hot environments or very cold ones, either overheating or freezing so their joints freeze up.

    How does it work?: All of the spears have different requirements:

    GP- A pressurized canister of Liquid N. is in the main part of the shaft, flowing out once the trick is activated.

    VM- It's unstable, so it can hit the user. The same process is used for storing gasses as in GP. It's powered by a ancient form of a cerulium generator, insulated and cased in the shaft.

    ER- Powered by the same in VM, hydraulics turning the drill.

    SA- Same generator as the rest. It's more of a cone-burst in front of the user, spraying powerful and fatal electricity.

    LP- It's just a threaded weapon, able to come apart and longer.

    Flavor text: The Spears come from five legendary glitch courts, names lost to time, and found by a very lucky Meunant L'ker while out on a hunt. After refurbishing them, they fell into his possession.

    Attainability: [Open] [size=-2](PREVIOUSLY: Semi-Closed. There's only five of them, but they can be made easily if someone were to get their hands on them. However, you'll have to ICly steal them.)[/size]

    Tags: Military.