Name: Daemon Brutes. Usually shortened to Brutes. Description: Daemon Brutes are savage beasts with a maw of jagged fangs, and bony spines sticking out along their back and arms. They have pink, armor-like flesh and glowing red eyes, and large hands with long claws. Spoiler Behavior: Brutes act in a manner of 'kill first, ask later', and are quick to charge anyone who gets too close. Tamability: Brutes are able to be tamed in a sense of being beaten into submission, though to be brave enough just to get near these savage beasts is feat enough. Where is it found?: Brutes are found in the dark tunnels of Tartarus. Rarity: Brutes are considered rare, though if one is on a hunt for one, they shouldn't be too hard to find if they know where to look. Diet: Brutes are carnivorous predators, and tend to hunt alone. Products?: Their skin can be made into a leather type armor, though it's not the best. It's best upside would be that it's tough. Reproduction: Brutes reproduce sexually, having a yearly season of mating where usually a single child is born. Size: Brutes are often no shorter than 6'6", though can be nearly as tall as 8' Weight: Brutes are very heavy, given their armor-like flesh and tough bones. Lifespan: Brutes can live up to nearly ten years. Abilities: Life in caves as given them good vision in darkness. They are extremely strong, able to lift far past their weight. Their skin is like leather armor, good for stopping blunt weapons, some blades, and very low caliber ballistics. Flaws: Their eyes are sensitive to light, which can be used for ones advantage to get a chance to strike. They aren't the smartest fellas. Other: Pink and probably smelly.