D' Flak

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Conn M, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. Conn M

    Conn M New Arrival

    Nov 22, 2017
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    General Information
    Name:D' Flak
    Born October 30 3260 exactly 7:06 pm age 24
    He does tend to have a theme of blacks grays and purples though they vary. He doesn't really identify by much in the way of affiliations and the like. Despite this, he has in fact mastered one thing: Tailoring, or more accurately anything that anyone could wear ever, be it suits, armor, or hats and shoes. He does also have a tad bit of skill in combat and anything else some space-faring person might know about really anything but these are far from what anyone would call amazing.

    Physical Appearance

    D' Flak is an an abnormally skinny 6ft tall remarkably pale Caucasian male whom could easily be mistaken for a stick figure in a photo if it was taken at the wrong time though he is in good physical condition in reality. He has very dark brown hair. His preferred clothing options tend towards a black waistcoat and slacks along with a pocket-watch and a top hat. Unless these things are unavailable of course.

    Tech: He does have a rudimentary sort of eye implant that stores information on persons he encounters, within legal limits naturally. And an antique mechanical pocket-watch
    He does also carry a wrought iron sword around though, for defense purposes only of course
    (Unfortunately, I'm really not all that good with images and I can't seem to get one to go into here so use your imagination I suppose


    Personality Type: Agreeable but Fierce 
                                  Or according to the Letters ENTJ

    Political Ideology:
    D' Flak doesn't tend to deal with politics but does tend to lean towards center-left ideals.

    In general, Flak will almost always be a self-centered person but does tend to be as social as possible. He speaks swiftly and concisely with a thick accent sounding like what most people today would call Welsh/Irish (Because it is a little hard to tell them apart sometimes I say) Upon first meeting Flak most people would regard him as your general standard run of the mill businessman who is just nice to look nice but those who dig a tad deeper notice more. He hates any and every lie even those that benefit the person being lied to. This can cause problems sometimes as his short fuse can cause him to become quite angry quickly especially on subjects on which he particularly latches on to. He does tend to make friends acceptably fast but he tends to keep people at arms length, but once they slip past he never lets them go and is one of the most devoting folks one will meet. He holds chivalry and being a gentleman to the highest of standards and in attitude could almost be compared to some glitch. He himself does tend to believe in total equality but does not really support societies that have attempted this in the past. Under any circumstances Flak is quite suspicious of any and all parties and is skeptical of all told to him. He will always stand to fiercely defend his beliefs and ideals as before he takes those ideals he will test and iron and polish those ideals to make sure they are not false or bigoted or nonsensical in any way shape form or time. It is also notable that he himself is irreligious and atheistic due to those merits. Also... under no circumstances, for your continued existence, touch his money. 


    D' Flak comes from both a poor and rich family, you see if it were 50 years ago D' Flak would be one of the richest people wherever he went and his company would be massive. But he was not alive then and when the earth came to an end most of his family line. including his father, and all of his families wealth vanished in an instant and his family fled to the stars and struggled to survive. By the Time D' Flak was actually born his family was quite close to begging on the walkways of wherever they were at the time. D' Flak grew up in a world of deceit and thievery (figuratively not an actual planet like that.) He begged and lied and pickpocketed, that particular skill he mastered but later lost his knack in, and stole without a second thought. That was until one day in the small home he lived in at the time, his mother who was dating an avian at the time was murdered by said avian. D' Flak was there for the whole thing and promptly bludgeoned the avian to death with a metal water bottle. And has the sense rushed back to him he realized how nasty his life was, how awful he and his family had become and as the last of his line he would end it. He would clean his name of this all, he would not be the evil man who would lie to a person, gain their friendship and kill them, no more would he impoverish innocents by stealing their wallets. Neither would he be the one to fall to those peoples grasps and be dragged under again and he would then be critical of all. No one else would do it either. No, he would do it all himself and he thought back to an old show he had once been told about by his grandfather and was inspired. The next 10 years of his life he worked his way from a shoe shiner, to a fast food worker to a hotel worker, then to a valet and one day came into possession of an old cloth working machine. He made a suit. He made a suit so rugged that he hardly got paid for it by some deadbeat. Then he made another, and another and another. He got a better machine and made more and more and more until he made it to the average line of society, where he is now, and where he will get further yet until the name Flak is again a household name throughout... well everywhere hopefully.