Crom, The Perfectly Functional.

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by elroy21, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. elroy21

    elroy21 Arrival of New Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    [font=Georgia, serif]General Characteristics

    Name: Cromulous (Caspan - at least, that's what they personally see themselves as.)

    Appearance: Crom has two different forms: One as a "he," being a 7'1" Robot (Not a damn glitch) with two annae. He is made of a large quantity of iron and durasteel combination, powered by avian crystals. Crom's other form, being a "She," is a 6'0" Green Avian. Her feathers are highly static, causing them to stick to each other and create metallic looking reflections off of the sun, to reflect her robotic form. She wears her hair back, with fluff connecting underneath her chin down across to her underbelly.

    Symbol: Her jacket, originally owned by Shep Caspan as stated above, is what she typically is identified by.

    Pronunciation: Crōm (i believe.)

    Name Origin: The decision came from Capt. Shep Caspan, who had decided to name him after [redacted]

    Name Meaning: [redacted.]

    Other Names: Crim, Crom, Cramm, Crumb, Ansley, Siri, Shepard, Wilson, [redacted.]

    Titles: None.

    Alternate Forms: Crom has two forms, available by a standard class racial swap: One as an Avian, the other as a Robot. As a Avian, it tends to be slightly more casual, with the capabilities of an average avian. Inside the robot suit, however, Crom has numbed down senses, but accelerated combat capabilities. Odds are, she will never turn back to becoming an Robot again.

    ID Number: 2094.

    Theme Song: (Will repost this when I regather all of my original songs)

    Zodiac: Literally Cancer.


    "Birth" Name: APS Droid Number 2094

    "Birth" Place + time: RIT, NY, USA, Earth. Time: September 14th, 3140.

    "Birth" Weight: 396 lbs as a robot, 240 as an avian.

    "Birth" Length: 7'2"

    Manner of "Birth": (How did their birth happen? Were they an accident? Did they kill their mother upon birth? Did they come out upside-down?) (JUST SIT RIGHT THERE) - Created by the hands of several brilliant workers.

    First Word(s): Fuck.

    Death Date 1: December 28, 2014. 9:00 PM.

    Age at Death: 3 months FA (terms of fringe acquaintance), 141 YoE (years of existence), and 18 sentient months.

    Death Place: Planet Temp.

    Current Body: Robot.

    Resting Place: (Where is the body of your character now or where will it be put once they die?) The corpse was revived and sold to a millionaire, seeing as how the shell was practically a relic, not only being from earth, but with most of it's stuff intact. It sold for 600,000 pixels.

    Manner of Death: (How did your character die?) Suicide under the concept of accidentally killing someone.

    Last Words: I'm sorry. I've failed you. I won't burden you again.

    Death Date 2: October 16, 2015. 5:00 PM.

    Age at Death: 20 months FA, 141 YoE, and 28 sentient months.

    Death Place: Planet Temp.

    Current Body: Robot.

    Resting Place: (Where is the body of your character now or where will it be put once they die?) Was later rebuilt and re-used as a shell for revival.

    Manner of Death: (How did your character die?) Killed by pistol at close range.

    Last Words: ...I thought she fuckin' got taken over again!

    Death Date 1: October 24 , 2015. 9:00 PM.

    Age at Death: 20 months FA, 141 YoE, and 18 sentient months. (Rebooted from an earlier stage)

    Death Place: Planet Temp - revisited.

    Resting Place: (Where is the body of your character now or where will it be put once they die?) In a ditch, filled with mud.

    Manner of Death: (How did your character die?) Suicide by stress of the belief that Akin Landgrave didn't believe in him anymore.

    Last Words: ...

    Primary Objective: (Original Objective: Rally people and attempt to put them on a barely holding ship, and force them to do tests.) (Objective 2: Protect those she knows. It cannot stress this enough.)

    Secondary Objectives: Make sure she is capable of surviving herself. Find out what happened in past lives of hers.

    Priorities: The well beings of others. Sunny.

    Motivation: Captain Shep. Sunny. Friends who still believe in her.

    Accomplishments: Built a Log Cabin. Helped found the GMFC. Saved and killed many lives.

    Greatest Achievement: Being one of the first successful human AI's that still lasts to a modern day standpoint.

    Failures: Has killed / threatened to kill at least one person in the Temp gang at least once. Has descended into madness and back. Used to always rely on others in her life to revive her.

    Biggest Failure: Getting drunk and sleeping with Sunny. It resulted in her disappearance from the fringe for several months in an attempt to hope things would calm down. Nope.

    Self-Confidence: Dismal.

    Traumas: The dread of her many kills. Siri.

    Afflictions: Eyewing's wrath, alcoholism, stress of what people will think of her.

    Embarrassments: Being so damn ticklish. Not knowing what 'sex' was until she screamed it out in public. Being both naive and intelligent at the same time. Being flirted with.

    Worries: Her alcoholism will take over again. She'll accidentally kill one of her friends in a state of panic.

    Soothers: Alcohol. Pleasures of the flesh. Company. Knowledge that someone she cares for will be ok.

    Instigators: Corpses of people she knows. People being injured, but with no capability of helping them. Apple-based products. Multi-personality people / personelle (Ex: Posi and Min.) Screaming profanity directed at someone.

    Earliest Memory: Being created, then immediately being shut down for shipment.

    Fondest Memory: Life on temp, for a good time. It was all chat, helping each other out... it was like a dream.

    Worst Memory: Watching as members of her group became despondent after the first floranbound.

    Favorite Dream: Reliving a time when everyone gathered around a campfire and began relaxingly playing music to soothe the nerves.

    Worst Nightmare: Going on a masochistic rampage, killing everyone she ever once knew.

    Desires: A stable relationship. Capability to be freed of alcoholism. The truth.

    Wishes: Peace. The safety of everyone she knows. 

    Regrets: (see Biggest Failure.) Following in [redacted]'s footsteps.

    Secrets: The origin of his name. His backstory. His nightmares.

    Confidantes: Sunny. Herself. Akin Landgrave. Otherwise, it'd vary depending on it's importance.

    Soft Spots: People recovering from injuries. People suffering from depression. Medically incapacitated people.

    Cruel Streaks: Sass masters. People who simply wish cruelty upon others for no reason.

    Musical Instrument: Bass Guitar.

    Quirks: Carefree opinion on body transfers. Lack of morals.

    Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous.

    Catchphrase: Sorry.

    Autograph / signature: somehow, even in her avian body, writing out her full name in a Arial style of text.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Mental Characteristics

    IQ: Unavailable - has never taken an IQ test.

    Known Languages: English, French, German, Russian.

    Lures: Friendship. The promise of security for others.

    Manias: A recently developed case of Nymphomania. Having always been the one to take the blunt of the blows, Crom developed a mild - Medium case of Masochism.

    Memory: High quality.

    Phobias: Kakourophobia, Paranoia, Pistanthrophobia.

    Savvies: Metalworking, Whittling, Scouting.

    Ineptities: Some moral standards, basic human rights.

    Temperament: Alcoholic.

    Hobbies: Whittling, Metalworking.

    Pet Peeves: People calling him out on shit after he does something good, in his eyes.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Intellectual Characteristics

    Logical-Mathematical: They are very inept in this.

    Spatial: Extremely capable.

    Linguistic: Mostly capable, although absolutely doesn't have a silver tongue.

    Bodily-Kinesthetic: Spite being through several body swaps, they appear to have good control of their body when sober. However, it tends to be the first thing to plummet when exposed to alcohol.

    Musical: Very easily capable to pick up a tempo and stick to it.

    Interpersonal: Lacking, but barely up to standard with what you'd expect.

    Intrapersonal: Slightly less then interpersonal.

    Naturalistic: Nearly a savant in this.

    Existential: Very minimal.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Philosophical Characteristics

    Morality: The amount of trust you can put into his friends - thus causing him to believe he is a bad person.

    Etiquette: Trying to connect to as many people as it can, and attempting to protect them whenever.

    Attitude: Cheery, yet understanding. Innocent, yet jokingly malevolent.

    Outlook on Life: For itself, highly grim. But hell, she better 

    Perception: Optimistically, she always keeps her options open. Pessimistically, she tends to always expect the worst case scenarios. Sadistically, She will try to not hurt anyone if her other views allow. Masochistically, she'd try to take the blows if she may help it, thinking it will tend to help people. Ideally, she'll get everyone out alive and well.  Realistically, she knows that her ideals probably won't come true.

    Standpoint: He sees life from a Guardian's Standpoint.

    Philosophy: "If you can't save someone else's life for your own, when you try your hardest... is it really a life worth living?"

    Taboos: No self-harm. No drugs.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Spiritual Characteristics

    Animal: A tortoise.

    Religion: Personal believes that borrow from several religions.

    Devotion: N/a

    Superstitions: Believes the afterlife is like a net; your soul gets collected, soon to be dumped into a different body.

    Virtues: Charity, Justice, Patience, and Humility.

    Vices: Lust, Envy, Wrath, Despair are 4 major sins which hold her down, although a major would be Despair.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Highs and Lows

    Likes: the concept of interaction with other species, Nature, body and soul, keeping a hold on life, Friends, family, dedicated members, people who dedicate themselves to a "good" cause.

    Dislikes: Sass, backlash, bad behaviors, screaming citizens, people justifying criminals, constantly armor-bearing citizens, sadistic people.

    Favorite Animal: Bird.

    Favorite Arts: Zentangle.

    Favorite Book: the Art of War.

    Favorite Color: Swampy green.

    Favorite City: Serenity - originally Horsebutt, but things happen.

    Favorite Drink: Death's Door - a type of alcohol. Non-alcoholically, avesmingo smoothie.

    Favorite Excuse: "oh shit, I forgot something..."

    Favorite Food: Bombay Potatoes.

    Favorite Flavor: Salty.

    Favorite Musical Genre: Heavy Metal.

    Favorite Mythical Creature: Cerberus.

    Favorite Number: 2094.

    Favorite Pastime: Watching the night sky fly by.

    Favorite People: Captain Shep, Akin Landgrave, Sunny.

    Favorite Place: Temp.

    Favorite Quote: "My god, horsebutt inn must be an 8th dimensional space, because there's people "in each corner of the room" "

    Favorite Inn/Restaurant: Horsebutt.

    Favorite Season: Winter.

    Favorite Song: Black Sabbath - Paranoid

    Favorite Store: n/a

    Favorite Story Genre: n/a

    Favorite Subject: Psychology.

    Favorite TV Show: n/a

    Favorite Words: Pluh.

    Least Favorite Animal: ANGRY CROWS WEARING SUNGLASSES - nah. Komodo Dragons.

    Least Favorite Arts: anything that claims that it's art but doesn't have visual or auditorial beauty.

    Least Favorite Book: Thomas the Tank Engine.

    Least Favorite Color: Vibrant Pink.

    Least Favorite City: n/a

    Least Favorite Drink: Apple juice.

    Least Favorite Excuse: "haha, that's great. Now if you'll excuse me, _____."

    Least Favorite Food: Caribbean style kiwis.

    Least Favorite Flavor: Sweet.

    Least Favorite Musical Genre: Pop / Glitch.

    Least Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorns.

    Least Favorite Number: 24 

    Least Favorite Pastime: Watching TV.

    Least Favorite People: Vine-stabber.

    Least Favorite Place: Temp's aftermath.

    Least Favorite Quote: "Swag."

    Least Favorite Inn/Restaurant: N/a

    Least Favorite Season: Summer.

    Least Favorite Song: any country.

    Least Favorite Store: n/a

    Least Favorite Story Genre: n/a

    Least Favorite Subject: Logistics.

    Least Favorite Words: Swag. gimmick.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Apparel

    Accessories: N/a

    Dress Style/Wardrobe: In either bodies, she's often times seen wearing Shep Caspan's old attire, worn down from all the years of service. It reeks of alcohol, but it remains so symbolistic that she always keeps it nearby.

    Formally, she wears a tux in her Avian / Robot body, dyed a forest green, with a black bowtie.

    When Crom wishes to train / explore, in her avian body, she wears a blue wifebeater with arm sweatbands, also wearing khakis one size too large. As a robot, he straps on larger, originally deployable sets of clothing, following a well-worn dark blue trend. It's made of aegisalt-durasteel combination with a rubium skeleton. Of course, this weighs down the bot to put on quite heavily, and has no technology strapped to it.

    Equipment: A lighter, a 12 ounce shotgun, a small flask of whiskey (for cleaning wounds), and saltines.

    Most Prized Possession: A golden locket, forged by Akin Landgrave, made for the temp crew.

    Most Valuable Possession: Her robot body.

    Trinkets: pocket lint, a rubber band, and a paper clip.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Social Characteristics

    Communication: Typically prefers in-persona conversation. She does have access to a radio / PMing / voice or video chatting, but rarely uses it.

    Criminal Record: Several accounts of murder, but they were never put on file.

    Discriminations: People who dress up like they're the king / queen of this world

    Dominance: typically interacts submissively, unless if they're directly given control, or if they believe it's required (ex: talking with others, they'll be calm and equal headed, but in situations when someone's tied up, receiving death threats, etc. she will quickly take control and try to steer it away - or crash right through it..)

    Ego: Practically non-existant.

    Emotional Stability: It can take a good beating, unless if it strikes directly into something she's previously done.

    Expression: Through their voice, and physical state of being.

    Humor: Typically crude and dark humor and beyond will apply to her. But fart jokes probably won't make them laugh unless if it's well timed.

    Liveliness: Depending on the season, actually. Since in her Avian body, it hibernates during the Summer.

    Mannerisms: They try to act well mannered, but often appears as someone who tries to be honest with everything they say. That, or just a total dick.

    Patience: Please. They waited 140 years for a chance at sentience. I think they can wait a good 2 days for someone to arrive.

    Reputation: It's honestly up in the air, at this current moment. Some would be willing to put their lives on the line with the knowledge Crom was at the end, others wish they were dead, even after they saved a friend's life.

    Sociability: Crom will try to engage in conversations with random people, just to try to make their lives better. However, she sucks at holding it for a long period of time.

    Status: It's in the middle as it stands; people have been hitting on her, but it's not like everyone knows her name. Yet.

    Style: She honestly dresses in one outfit, a majority of the time. She doesn't have many spare articles of clothing.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Common

    Compliments: "I like the way you speak.” " thanks…”and, as a pickup line, his favorite is: "Hey, know of any non-sexual spots we could hang out? No? How about sexual spots..?”

    Insults: "You know, I typically have a soft spot for everyone, no matter how cruel they are… you're a damn good example of that. " "Now that we've had a chance to talk, let's let out our anger. You're a no good scumbag who left me a die when there was no need to for the profit of gold. Alright, your turn."

    Emotional Status: A state of ‘happiness,' or stressing over something that's happened in the past.

    Expletives: Typically your average explicit language. Nothing special.

    Mood: Typically she'd try to be in a good mood, but on rare occasions she'd be more glum.

    State of Mind: This really depends on where and how you find her, or she finds you. Typically, it'd be decent quality.

    Words: " ‘ey… " "welp. Anyways…” "heh…"

    Farewells: "See ya.” "Take care! I mean it!” Waving typically follows and all that.

    Greetings: " ‘ey.” with raising a single hand.



    [font=Georgia, serif]School and Work

    Education: W H O   N E E D S   E D U M U C A T I O N   W I T H   G O O G L E S   L I K E   M E ? ! ? ! Self taught.

    Extracurricular: N/a

    School: N/a

    Special Education: Self-taught, once more.

    Study Habits: She'd sorta look stuff up when it's needed, not really putting much effort in.

    Association: Crom associates herself with the GMFC, but doesn't often do stuff under their regime.

    Boss: When Captain Shep isn't giving orders to her, she works on her own selling whittled trinkets and metalworkings.

    Experience: Has forged weaponry before, making her viable for possibly cast forging and custom weapon making - so long as it's good old gun and iron.

    Learning Type: Honestly, she's a mix of the three. she has no single best learning method.

    Occupation: Currently, she works as the captain for the GMFCAF (Armed Forces division), Whittles trinkets, Hunts, and does Metalsmithing.

    Rank: Both a self-employed merchant and a GMFCAF Captain.

    Work Ethic: Thoroughly and effectively, if she can help it.

    Transportation: "She has her own ship in which he carts goods to and from."


    Class: Middle-lower.

    Debt: None, yet.

    Dependents: Honestly, she has her own family, so 

    Funds: About 30 osidans on a decent pull. However, she hunts on her own will to help pay for food and such, so that helps.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Intrapersonal Connections

    Immediate Family: Technically speaking, Crom has no direct blood. However, Shep Caspan has always been a fatherly figure in her life.

    Close Relatives: N/a

    Distant Relatives: N/a

    Ancestors: N/a.

    Acquaintances: N/a

    Allegiance: GMFC

    Allies: (Who or what company does your character and/or their company work with or fight alongside? Edgar Wicklow? McDonald's? The mafia?)

    Enemies: (Who is it that your character is always fighting or that they have set out to destroy? The Man in Black? Wally Wickenshield? The entire naked mole rat species?)

    Followers: N/a

    Friends: Herself, Mamerus, Akin, Fernfearer, Eyewing(?), Sunny, Captain Shep, Monstro, Blake, etc.

    Heroes: Honestly, she strives to be her own, trying to be independent, but dependent. Spite this, she does look up to Shep, still.

    Inspirations: Read above.

    Pets: N/a.

    Rivals: Eyewing(?)

    Role Models: The entirety of the first temp crew. They've raised her to be who she is.

    Subordinates: N/a



    [font=Georgia, serif]Reactions

    Angry: Odds are, if you somehow managed to piss off Crom, they'd either be screaming insults at you or tying to shoot you on the spot.

    Anxious: Crom would likely be seen making sure she has everything to prepare for what she's anxious for; whether it be good or bad.

    Conflicted: She would likely go silent, contemplating internally whatever or not to do said actions, considering the repercussions heavily.

    Criticized: If you gave her a notebook, she'd likely write it down and try to improve on said criticism.

    Depressed: She would become despondent; sometimes even desperate, as she tries to find someone - anyone - she can talk to for relief.

    Excited: Another rare occasion of Crom's emotion, she'd likely try to contain herself, although clearly emanate her joy.

    Frightened: Crom, when frightened, would be more or less eyeing things around her that moved - whether it be her imagination, or real. Either way, she'd try to keep a weapon close and ready, if she can.

    Guilty: when Crom feels guilt, either she confesses it to someone she knows might be able to help, or some complete stranger. Alternatively, she could try to drown it in pleasures to make it less apparent, such as alcohol.

    Happy: Typically, this is her normal state of being. During this, he is more relaxed, and willing to bend towards what other people want / need.

    Humiliated: Most of the time, she'll try to escape what would be humiliating her, then would go silently contemplate it. Alternatively, she'll laugh it off, and pray that they'll soon forget.

    Instincts: Shoot first, think about things later. Crom's instincts are extremely reflexive, but often times brash and inconsiderate.

    Mistaken: This often leads to Crom becoming flustered, and also leads to him trying to cover up his mistakes with apologies.

    Nervous: Being an internal 

    Offended: Crom's tone will likely stoop low, and point out something they actually did in comparison to the offender.

    Praised: Even though Crom has ever rarely been praised for her actions, she refuses it, pointing them towards someone else and insisting they did more then her.

    Rejected: She won't settle for a little. She'll personally make sure she won't be able to be near anyone for as long as she can stand.

    Sad: She will quiet, and quietly pout, if she can help, she'll isolate herself.

    Stressed: It often can't be fixed, leading to her isolating herself whenever she can, and indulging in her guilty pleasures.

    Thoughtful: With a light grin, Crom typically will be as considerate as she can, hoping that they don't get the wrong impression.


    Signature Move: As a robot, Crom charges at the victim, screaming a battle cry as she tries to pin someone to any nearby wall, using her spare fist to pound them in the face. As an avian, it typically will be connecting the back of the gun to the lower spine, then quickly aiming forth and shooting them in the back.

    Specialty: Crom, as a robot, has very nulled physical senses. Thus, bullets and the like will make them cringe less, as they feel less. In addition, one of crom's antennae can be twisted to control overclocking capabilities, allowing for heavy lifting and harder punches. As an avian, however, her feathers are static, causing them to patch over wounds. As a result, ‘prick-class' wounds, such as bullets, plasma, etc. can be left alone longer.

    Strengths: As a robot, he can:



    [font=Georgia, serif]take more damage without as much physical pain and recoil

    overclock to increase their strength temporarily

    function easier without limbs

    As a avian, she can:

    be stealthier

    remain longer without medical attention to puncture wounds

    be a lot swifter then in her robot form.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Weaknesses: 

    As a robot, she struggles with:



    [font=Georgia, serif]being able to locate wounds

    bullets and other shrapnel getting caught in her body, thus possibly screwing with wiring and other important machinery

    overclock, depending on what setting it's on, can lock up her joints

    being able to function in hot temperaturesa

    coolants and fuel consumption.

    As an avian, she struggles with:

    brittle bones

    staying in sustained open combat

    the curses of flesh.

    Combat style: Either charge in and tank as many shots as they can, or stay in the backlines, picking people off.

    Threat Level: When in combat, likely very deadly with a hint



    [font=Georgia, serif]Weapon of choice: Shotgun. Blunt weaponry.


    [font=Georgia, serif]Physical Characteristics

    Species: Avian / Robot

    Nationality: United States

    Skin Color: Green / Grey

    Height: in ( cm) 6'0 / 7'2"

    Weight: lbs ( kg) 132 lbs / 683 lbs

    Scars: Left arm, scar through arm where a knife went through. They did not survive, however the body was reanimated in a cloning vat. / 

    Piercings: N/a / N/a

    Tattoos: N/a / Right arm, small logo of the research facility Crom originated from.

    Health and Fitness

    Abnormalities: (Deformities and defects) None.

    Addictions: Alcoholic.

    Aids: None.

    Allergies: None.

    Augmentations: None.

    Broken Bones: None.

    Extra Anatomy: N/a

    Handicaps: N/a

    Medication: N/a

    Vulnerabilities: N/a

    Reason for Health: Healthy diet.

    Birthmarks: a slight swirl on left arm.

    Blood Type: AB+

    Dexterity: Very capable; due to her jobs, she's required to have fast and efficient hand movements.

    Diet: Omnivorous, leaning more towards fruits.

    Exercise: Near-daily exploration in the woods to gather wood and hunt.

    Figure: As an Avian she's fairly well built, but still has a fairly girly build. As a robot, it's built mostly for protection, so the build is about average.

    Fitness: Much more fit then she lets on.

    Hygiene: Showers once every 1.5 days, or whenever the opportunity arises.

    Martial Arts: The only form of Martial arts she really knows is punching.

    Maximum Load: As an Avian, she can carry up to 75 pounds effortlessly, the maximum weight being 225.

    Posture: Wary.

    Somatotype: Mesomorphic on both.

    Sexual Characteristics (NSFW for obvious reasons.)


    Gender: Female / Male

    Gender Role: Female

    Orientation: Can go top / bottom.

    Fetishes: BDSM.

    Turnons: semi-erections, strip dancing, blowjobs, Dominance / Submission.

    Turn-offs: Violence, strange fetishes (coprophilia, rubber, etc.), 

    Sex Life: Has mostly fooled around, although remains bound to Sunny.

    Virginity: Gave to Sunny.

    First Love: Eyewing.

    Love Interests: Charismatic, Inward going personalities, with a dash of Noble behavior.

    Marital Status: Married

    Significant Other: Sunny.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Residential Characteristics

    Abode: House on planet [Redacted]

    Citizenship: N/a

    Hometown: Earth.

    Traditions: Hunting, carving, meditation.

    Sleep Patterns: Passes out at 1:00 AM no matter what, and will always wake up at least around 10:00 AM, if not earlier.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Vocal Characteristics

    Accent/Dialect: Massachusetts accent.

    Impediments: Very minor stutter.

    Laughter: Hearty and loud, which often catches people off guard.

    Pitch: Slightly lower then the average human female tone.

    Range: An lower then average masculine high tone – squeaker ville.

    Volume: Quiet - Medium.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Extrauniversal Information

    Analogue: Rat man, but less insane. (Portal Series.)

    Desired Voice Actor: Ellen McLain.

    Inspiration: Mostly the portal universe inspired me at first, but with a lawful twist.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Personality

    Anima: Fairly loose and carefree, they tend to clearly give off a feeling of honest respect and care. However, that doesn't stop her from having a quick reaction time.

    Persona: A hearty, always wary person who always will watch out for their friends and family – the kind of person you'd not expect in the fringe. Alternatively, just act clueless. Works every time.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Impressions

    First Impressions: Often times, just striking up a casual conversation.

    Strangers' Impressions: A lot of people just assume Crom's weird due to their capability to change moods quickly.

    Friends' Impressions: An unstable, yet reliable person to lean back on, always there for those who need it.

    Family's Impressions: A bit reckless, but otherwise they would (possibly) be much worse off without her.

    Self Impression: Not very good at protecting others.

    Authority's Impressions: A war machine, capable of turning the tides of battle single-handedly. Alternatively, just a person who remains on the sidelines.

    Associates' Impressions: Lazy arsehole who can't even bother to show up half the time.

    Lover's Impression: Wary, but always will be there for her when she needs it.

    Creator's Impression: Their finest work yet.



    [font=Georgia, serif]Biography

