Club SOLUS Introduces SHATTERSTONE Greetings, Haven Citizen or Fringe Dweller. Club SOLUS is pleased to announce that it has imported a famous virtual reality arena game called Shatterstone from the Rantori capital planet of Kamdor, and has set up a multiplayer server in no other than Haven City. The Shatterstone machine is located in the Arcade within Club SOLUS. Matches are primarily designed for four players in mind, but more can be added using the backup VR headsets the machine has. Once you are in, you will be transported to the starting area where you choose two abilities and your weapon. Once all players are ready, they will be teleported into the map and the battle will begin. ((To access it, press E on the Shatterstone machine.)) Club SOLUS is excited to allow the patrons of the club to play Shatterstone, and may perhaps even host tournaments. We hope people have fun playing Shatterstone, and even use it as an alternative to physical violence. // A moderated section is available for comments. \
// A fairly old song is posted by user M // Why work out problems in computer thing when can just fight them out? // End //
//User 'SmileyTrashbag' replies, Tagging User M in it.// because that usually devolves into a clusterfuck, dragging a bunch of people into it and shit. why NOT a 1v1 arena is a better question