// 'Anon762526216773885512512fhasfahghgdsasgfhgsahgash' // So I saw that some cheapos are selling brain-scanned AIs for 12k px but I'll do that to your future robot wife (you depraved fuck) for 500 Riyals (3000 pixels) WITHOUT BRAINSCANS!!! Or whatever else you could possibly need. I could do that too. I will: Make sure it works with that stupid chassis you're so keen on keeping for 80 Riyals, installation and all. Trust me, I've turned a 500 year old rusty BIOS into a thing so bitchy you couldn't call it anything but human. /emoticons/wub.png/emoticons/wub@2x.png 2x" title=":x" width="20" /> Stitch some personalities together for a truly unique experience. Yeah, uh, 'experience' might not be the word. But you know... 30 Riyals Overclock them which goes against several goddamn conventions but whatever ask them first I guess. 100 Riyals (they might break tough luck) Ask me about other stuff, yea They didn't allow me to make an account on the nexmarket because of spam or something lmao just pm me here and we'll use bittrade so nobody gets fucked.
// 'Anon762526216773885512512fhasfahghgdsasgfhgsahgash' // It go fast and get very quick reaction. (I simplified it because you really don't seem to understand the purpose of overclocking something.)
// User DieselWheeler replies // Overclocking is just increasing the system time by an hour or so, isn't it? How would that even make the robot faster?
// 'Anon762526216773885512512fhasfahghgdsasgfhgsahgash' // /emoticons/sleep.png/emoticons/sleep@2x.png 2x" title="-_-" width="20" />