Originally posted by @Sergeant Screech Name: Nanscopic Body and Cell Enhancement Platform, Cell-Augs, Nanos, Half-Organics Description: They appear different from their original body, either looking much better, or looking mutilated and horrible. The user has veins, sometimes showing on outside of their skin, that are grey and appear as if they were wires. They also can appear mechanical through things such as their eyes, which if you were to look into one's eyes, there would be a visible glow of purple or teal coming from them. Abilities: The nanorobots can replace certain systems of the body with a system of self replicating nanobots that assist cells. (I will app for special abilities people can acquire soon) This can allow people to augment their body to have improved bodily systems, things such as improved strength, chameleon, better endurance, improved intelligence, pain dampeners, improved agility, etc. They can also speak without making noise, usually used for communicating messages to other Cell Augs or radio receivers, via their computers implanted in their brain. They are able to monitor their vitals and manage their augments via a required eye augment, which has nanobots create a display. It can also revitalize the crippled or old, filling in the spots of failing cells, making them move and operate regularly. Conditional Abilities (Optional): They can use it as a kill switch, or torture device, turning on certain subroutines inside the microcomputer can cause the nanobots to destroy your body from the inside, however this is hidden under much security in the system. There is also networking inside the microcomputer, allowing other Cell-Augs to speak and connect to each other, even if they are a long distance away. It can also be used by those in the high ranks of Vanguard 6 of the Cell Augs to send transmissions and orders to other Augs. In an event that a cell Augs dies, or goes offline, higher ranking Augs can collect data from them, via black box recording inside the brain computer, they can collect their location, data backups, and their possible cause of death. However, the info is very private, and only given if investigators, close friends, and family request it from higher ranking members. Limitations: Maximum of one Augmentation that are chosen by the subject. A problem with Cell Augs is that they have to recharge themselves via a port at the back of their head that plugs in, the port being a mandatory augmentation for Cell Augs. One major problem is the immune system fighting against the nanobots, since they are foreign objects. The solution is a drug that prevents the immune system from attacking the nanobots, taken via inhaler or syringe, however, if the drug is not taken weekly, the body will start to fail within days, as both of them fight each other. The drug, known as DiplomCell, basically weakens the immune system so it won't do damage to the nanobots, but this means that Cell Augs are extremely suspectible to catching diseases. As a solution, they wear pressuried suits while not in sterile environments. Also, EMP is lethal towards a Cell Aug, if they do not seek help after it happens. Also, Alcohol or drugs, such as cocaine, weed, PCP, etc (any drug that can damage the body beyond the immune system), interferes with the system, if they were to be consumed, the metabolism regulated by the nanobots will have it flushed out of the body. Conditional Limitations (Optional): Viruses. There are digital antivirus software protecting the user from many viruses, however, an EXTREMELY skilled hacker could possibly hack into a Cell-Aug. There is a rare chance the communication between the bots and the computer can cause brain cancer. How does it work: The user's cells are assisted by self replicating nanobots. Before augmentation begins, the nanobots take over the circulatory system except for the heart, and other metabolism based processes, to help power the nanobots, and transport them. Then, the nanobots are brought to the selected body part or system, where they start working to either make the system better, faster, and stronger. Flavor text: Created by Vanguard 6, a group of people who believe that augmentation of the body leads to reaching the full potential of themselves, and their own strengths, and working together to collectively benefit everyone using their augments. To add onto their already mechanical augments, they wanted to augment the internals of their body, and find a method that is less bulky, big, and prone to failure. These robotic cells are inserted into the body via a pod that sedates the user to sleep, then injects them via IV. Once the transformation is complete, the user wakes up, and has to learn how to use their new abilities. This can take from a week to a few months. In addition, the high leaders of Vanguard 6 use it to communicate and order around their subjects. The Vanguard 6 put a limit at one, as the system cannot handle more, and since the acquisition requires one to contact them. Also, to note, they have raspy and mechanical voices, as a sorta ID, while having no actual use. Referenced Technologies (Optional): Attainability: [Open] (Previously Semi-Open) Tags: [Industrial]