Originally posted by Apple Name of Aug/Tech: Cerulium-based Hyper Absorbent Polymer Description: A pale blue (55ddff), matte, rubber like substance with hyper fluid retention abilities. History of Aug/Tech: The base polymer itself, Sodium polyacrylate, has been in production since the late 1900's. With the discovery of the stellar metal Cerulium, doping the polymer with this metal has brought it extreme practicality within the medical field. How does it work?: (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_polyacrylate before continuing.) By adding a small amount of cerulium in the production of said polymer, the polarity of the compound is drastically increased. This increase raises the water absorption ability of the material from approximately 300x it's own weight to 800x. In addition, running an alternating current through the material will cause it to rapidly compress down it's original size, releasing the stored fluid inside. If a direct current is run through the material, it will forcibly expand, absorbing a staggering amount of fluid within. The produced material also has antimicrobial resistance, effectively sterilizing stored liquids within and materials it comes into contact with. These features have huge practicality within medicine, the material often being used to store a wide variety of both docile and temperamental substances. Intended use: An immensely useful medical material. (See 'How does it work?') Strengths: [*] Antimicrobial properties [*] Hyper retention of liquids and fluids [*] Controllable release and absorption [*] Is difficult to tear/cut, whilst maintaining flexibility [*] Can be stretched to extreme lengths depending on current liquid retention [*] Naturally resistant to EMPs Weaknesses: [*] Tends to reduce humidity in the nearby area [*] If expanding while in contact with skin/biological matter it may lead to extremely dry skin How do you believe this will assist in benefiting roleplay?: Gives people a unique, highly reusable material for many applications. Attainability: Open. Tags: [Civilian]