C.A.M.D.D.A.S ((repost))

Discussion in 'Deferred' started by DocShibe, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. DocShibe

    DocShibe New Arrival Silver Donator

    Jun 29, 2017
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     Name of Aug/Tech:

    C.A.M.D.D.AS (Combat Applicable Medic  Defense and utility system)

    History of Aug/Tech:

    Adapted for medical combatants to apply medication or tranqs for a safe distance while acting as a quick deploy for medical supplies

    How does it work?:

    The system has two main components, the launcher is a hand less gauntlet that uses mechanical springs and  multi barrel system to swap ammo on the fly while being completely non electronic. The second part is the ammo witch I will cover below

    Sleep darts(humans/hythol/humanoid) - these darts use a chemical called Diazepam to induce a state of intoxication(20 seconds) and then inductive sleep( 1 Min 20 seconds) lasting a Max of 15 min in Humans and Humanoids as well as hythols

    Sleep Darts (florans/floran hybrids) - These darts are loaded with a dose of Abscisic acid (ABA) that induces a intoxicated state ( 1 min) and a dormant state (3 min) lasting a Max of 10 min and works only on floran and floran hybrids

    Sleep darts (Novas/Nova-types) - darts loaded with iron gel that slows the chemical proposes in novas inducing a intoxicated state (10 seconds) and a sleep state (45 seconds)

    Morphine darts - Darts loaded with a slow release dose that reduces pain sensory for the target

    Adrenalin darts- Darts loaded with Epinephrine

    EP darts - Darts loaded with a mild electrical charge to stun aggressors or act as defibrillator for a short time

    Splatter medical bandage dart- Dart that contains a expanding rubber like substance that slows bleeding temporarily acting like a liquid bandage for a small area (4 inch diameter)

    Acid splatter dart - uses a dart filled with highly concentrated sulfuric acid

    Darts can also contain other medications not listed here but only if prepped beforehand 

    Intended use: to allow doctor Mari to tackle supporting others and Healing in the fields


    High flexibility with ammo

    emp proof due to it being fully mechanical


    Reload times are long

    Can only hold 15 darts Max

    Shots take time to fire and switching ammo takes time as well

    Max range of 30 feet

    Can't Peirce armor with medical darts

    Attainability: open
  2. Markus Aleksandr

    Markus Aleksandr The Liberated Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Deferred to firearms. No longer needs app.