Bumble Beefish (Repost)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Pinkbat5, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    (Credit to @babobeebo for writing this with me!!)

    Description: They come in two variants:

    Drones: Drones retain their eel-like, serpentine bodies, though much smaller. They still lack stingers, but have fangs. They can produce flashy lights along their body (which is solely aesthetic), making them often more valued.

    Workers: Worker variations retain their fat, fluffy thorax. They possess tiny pricks on their rears which act as a near harmless stinger, as well as fangs.

    A queen variation is very unlikely, as Queen Beefish are hardly documented and extremely dangerous, leaving samples minimal.

    Image Album for both variants.

    Behavior: Bumble Beefish act very differently from their distant relatives. Rather than working, they merely float around clumsily and curiously, often times bumping into things given their bad eyesight. They are often very reliant on their caretakers, and while small and fragile, will still stand up to most they dub threats to said caretakers. Image Album

    Tamability: Bumble Beefish are extremely tamable when compared to their distant relatives. They are significantly less aggressive, not rarely attacking anything unless dubbed a threat to them or their caretakers. They are often most loyal to those which have raised them from birth.

    Where is it found?: Bumble Beefish cannot be found in the wild, only produced as clones and sold in pet shops.

    Rarity: Not particularly rare, though considered exotic compared to most common pets. Due to this, they often go for a higher price compared to other common pets. Care is often the same for both types of Bumble Beefish, though Drones often cost more initially due to their more unique appearance.

    Diet: Bumble Beefish are omnivores, typically consuming special kibble or meat prepared for them. They also love table scraps.

    Products?: Love? Floof? Bumble Beefish cannot produce honey, as they have no hive to speak of.

    Reproduction: - As Bumble Beefish are not centralized around a hive, they have no queen, meaning they cannot reproduce. All Bumble Beefish are either based off workers or drones.

    Size: The size of a medium dog.

    Weight: Around as much as a small-medium dog.

    Lifespan: Around 50-60 human years. Possibly longer if pristinely healthy.

    +The drone variety (males) are capable of producing pretty flashing lights along their body!
    +They fly a little better than their more dangerous cousins, due to being lighter.
    +They can survive on land for much longer, only needing occasional baths/swim times.
    +Still possess fangs and stingers, though they are of little harm besides scratching.
    +Still fast swimmers, though at lowers speeds compared to full size beefish.

    -Harmless, easy to kill or damage.
    -Sluggish flight, tiny wings.
    -Poor vision, a trait shared by all beefish.

    Other: These fluffy babies were created in an unnamed laboratory, full of curious zoologists and other scientists studying the dangerous Beefish. When a genetic engineer was presented with one of these dangerous beasts, he immediately had the idea to, through genetic splicing and selective breeding, create an artificial breed of Beefish. Through these experiments, they gradually lowered most of the dangerous traits of the Beefis hand created the little ball of fluff for all pet lovers to own.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2022