
Discussion in 'Approved' started by 9K, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Name: Blood-Cyclers, Reverse Mosquitoes, Clot-Bugs, Heart-Attack Bugs, Little Piece-Of-Shit Bastard Bugs, Schelorian Bastard Bugs.

    A common Schelorian Bastard Bug. The person this bug was on mysteriously died of a heart attack just hours later.

    Description: A Blood-Cycler is a common species of Schelorian mosquito that in most ways mirrors the Aedes Aegypti species of medium-sized mosquito, coming in at around 9 millimeters. Anyone confused about their namesake as a result of not being a native need only see what they do to their prey in order to gain an understanding.

    Behavior: Aggressive. Schelorian Bastard Bugs will do everything in their power to track sources of blood down as they fly near their nests. They are not solitary insects, and as a result, tend to be seen in swarms, which is when they are at their most dangerous. Upon sensing a living victim, Blood-Cyclers will swarm, land on, and pierce the skin of the creature in question. They will then not suck any blood out - but inject their victim with the entire dose of a small reserve of blood these mosquitoes keep separate from their metabolic processes. Given that these are of completely random blood types from various different creatures and people, enough of this blood being injected via the swarm will, potentially, cause a massive immune response that results in blood clots forming around the body, with the possibility of giving their victim a heart attack or sending them into shock. Regardless, the outcome of too many of these insects latching onto someone is incredibly painful. Once the victim dies, blood is drained from the corpse via the mosquitoes laying eggs near it, and the resulting feeding frenzy. Once the eggs hatch, they drain the body of blood, some of which is stowed away to weaponize, and the cycle repeats. The cycle of blood.

    Tamability: No, and you really don't want to try.

    Where is it found?: Arid or otherwise hot climates throughout Schelor. This is to say, they are fond of a large portion of the planet.

    Rarity: Common on Schelor.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Blood.

    Products: Probably some really unsavory diseases. Pain. Death. Horror stories.

    Reproduction: Sexually. And they lay their eggs on or around corpses.

    Size: 9 millimeters. A perfect Schelorian unit of measurement. Most Deadbeats would probably be able to tell you the precise size this is with just their hands.

    Weight: Negligible.

    Lifespan: Roughly 2 months.

    Abilities: They can inject blood as well as take it. Inducing terror.

    Flaws: People kill these things on sight by the nest-full with implements involving fire and individually with fire and/or swatting implements. They're also quite easy to spot as a medium-sized mosquito. Also, it takes upwards of 10 injections from these to cause severe symptoms, hence them being at their most dangerous in swarms, and near their nests. If they do swarm you, however, all that will save you is a flamethrower, or certain brands of insect repellant specialized for them.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
    zirconzz and Ryanatorx like this.
  2. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hi! I'm your grader today. Pending. Just a few questions. What sort of senses do they use to hunt/to detect victims? Heat, vision, sound, ect. How long can they go without feeding (outside of the lifespan)? How cold can they still survive? Overall looks good and another lovely horrific addition to the setting :)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
  3. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    -Blood Cyclers like true mosquitoes detect their prey via scent. Specifically, the scent of CO2 and other particularly odorous things such as perhaps the victim's sweat.
    -They can last up to 4 weeks without feeding, so about half of their lifespan. Normally it would be closer to 3 weeks, but they can squeak out an extra week by using up their weaponized blood reserve in desperate situations.
    -They don't survive long or well below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Pinkbat5 likes this.