Name: Blight Rounds Description: Blight rounds are simple bullets containing dense and pressurized black blight gas in a thinner shell casing, causing the round to explode in the gas when it is shot and and it hits something, the burst cloud of gas decaying the flesh around it as the black blight normally would. The metal casing is made thinner to allow it to explode in the gas, sometimes even being made of other materials such as bone. The density of the gas within is a little more than the density of a canister of compressed CO2, and bullets can be made into balls, bullets, and some other projectiles such as even arrows. Abilities: Bursts into a cloud of black blight on a hit. Conditional Abilities: Works well against organics. Limitations: Round penetrates far less due to its light weight. All the disadvantages of black blight. Conditional Limitations (Optional): Does not work well at all against inorganics. How does it work: As stated in the description, the thin bullet contains inside the dense black blight gas, which will begin to decay on contact with organic compounds, including flesh or plant matter. Flavor text: Native Freeminded Glitch created the rounds long ago using the abundant black blight found in Erebus, using them in flintlock weapons primarily to combat the organic threats of the Undercrypt. The bullets have become a popular thing by those who use weapons in the Undercrypt, the guns in which are typically crafted of archaic appearance as modern weapons cannot be brought in. Referenced Technologies: Black Blight Attainability: [ Semi-Open] Black Blight is a rare thing to come across, really only found in the Undercrypt in abundance. Tags: [Military]