Name: - Gallus Gallus Lamina or Blade Chicken Description: - The Blade Chicken are commonly the same colour, size and major appearance of domesticated chickens. However, they naturally grow hair similar to humans and their hair comes in all natural human colours. In their beak they have sharp teeth as they are a carnivorous species. Behavior: - The Blade Chicken is a hostile bird, often hunting in groups of 2-4, usually their family members until the children find their own mates. They will attack anything that approaches their nest or prey, otherwise they will avoid confronting other predators. The Blade chicken is a tool user, breaking a branch off of a tree and sharpening it with its teeth to hold and hunt with. They can only use blades as pictured above if tamed and given it as a weapon. Their intelligence is high enough where they can use tools, but typically don't strategize when attacking prey. The strategy is usually hit it until it dies. History: - They came to have these adaptations due to cock fighting. People gradually wanted better and bloodier cock fights, but simply breeding stronger and more aggressive chickens simply wasn't going to cut it. As technology in the future (or current technology in the GC setting) allows for very massive changes in animals. These chickens were given hands similar to that of an Avian, and giving a bird teeth wasn't difficult as many birds contain the genes required to make teeth. A carnivorous diet was also favoured, as watching the victor of the cock fight devour the loser was found to be a crowd pleaser. Eventually they became like tool using dogs, loyal to their owner and able to kill on command. Many of these altered chickens (now known as the Blade Chickens) were released into the wild by animal-rights activists, even on other planets other than Earth. Tamability: - Taming a fully grown chicken is impossible as, even when isolated, they will not trust their captor; often starving to death because they refuse to eat food given to them. However, a newly hatched blade chicken is docile and will trust the person who cares of it for the first 4-8 hours. Where is it found: - They are found on tropical rain forests. Rarity: - Uncommon in their natural habitat, but many can be found being used for cock fighting. Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: - They are carnivores, hunting small prey such as space rabbits or space ducks. Products: - Eggs. Look like normal chicken eggs. Feel like normal chicken eggs. Taste like normal chicken eggs. Reproduction: - The blade chicken is fully mature after around 1 year. During the Blade Chicken's mating season, the chicken will use its mating call to find its mate. Once another chicken responds, they will mate and lay 1-2 eggs. The Blade Chicken is a monogamous species, mating with only one partner its entire life. Size: - Small, common wild chicken size. Weight: - Males are 900g to 1100g while females are often 750g to 900g Lifespan: - 4-9 years Abilities: - The Blade Chicken can fashion its own weapon. In the wild a young blade chicken will climb a tree and find a suitable branch to break off, then sharpen it with its teeth to make a spear. The blade chicken will wield the spear, holding it with its feathered arms (think an avians feathered arms, but about the length of a chickens wing span. They can also wield small blades, but only if given to a tamed blade chicken or found by a wild blade chicken. Flaws: - The Blade Chicken is unable to fly as its wings have been replaced by avian-like arms to grab weapons.