
Discussion in 'Character Information' started by BLU REMOTE, Aug 29, 2017.


    BLU REMOTE New Arrival

    Jul 25, 2017
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    *You were looking at one of Beatriz dropped book. Before returning it to her, you found a particular page*

    Hi there, so you're looking at my presentation page?
    Well then, sit back and keep reading :)

    *A drawing is located just below this text, it picture a young girl with long blond hair and blue eye wearing what's looks like some kind of smasll armor that is in fact just some hardened clothing. The chest, boots and pelvis part are colored blue, the rest is colored in gray. Her height is a bit below average. She is striking a regular pose in this drawing*

    My name is Beatriz and I'm 19 years old (I know, I'm really young). I love drawing, cooking and meeting people. I'll be honest, I don't talk that much, I'm not mute, but I tend to talk rarely. Did I mentionned that I love cooking?

    *Another drawing. This one represent Beatriz cooking with her frying pan, holding it in air with nothing to heat the pan, but the food on it look cooked.

    This is what I like the most. Introducing, the "Trusty Frying Pan". Honestly, it's just a regular frying pan with some cool tweaks on it. For example, it can heat itself, thus, I can basically cook anywhere, the pan can also shrink with a little button. Also, if I really need to, It can be used as a really weak weapon... but... Attacking with it is not great, I mainly use it for self defence because... you know... bad people roam around and can hurt you some time and that's not cool.

    [size=medium]*This drawing is drawn in a more cartoonish style: Beatriz is seen trying to approach a Poptop that was just standing around until a mother Poptop showed up, she is seen running like hell with her trusty frying pan in her hands*[/size]

    [size=medium][size=medium][size=large][font=Arial Black][b][color=#3399ff][font=Arial Black]I'm generally happy even with what happened. It's not that horrible, way worse can happen to people. Basically what happened is that I lived in a royal family of Glitch, I was adopted to be honest, I'm a human. The people of the city really liked me for my kindness. At one moment, I'm not really sure of this, I just ventured in a cave that appeared during a night. After I entered the cave, I just came out of it with no clue of what happened inside, all I got was that there was some weird Blue Crystal that appeared on my back. Just a few days later, a rival kingdom attacked the castle. One of them manage to get me and attacked me. The crystal got hit and was heavily destroyed. Strangely, this attack weakened me a lot even without any true physical contact with me. My dad which was the king manage to save me after this. After a moment, I woke up in my bed and noticed that the crystal actually grew back. Some of the doctor tried  to help but without success, thus, for some years and up until now, I'm living with it. On the day that the king and the queen want away to a better place, the kingdom was struck by a huge wave of sadeness, the street were not that lively anymore. This also sadened me a lot. But there's one thing I'm now trying to do: finding a way to remove or use the crystal that is now growing on my back. It keep a regular size but is easily noticeable, thus, I'm wearing cloth that are colored blue.[/font][/color][/b][/font][/size][/size][/size]

    [size=medium][size=medium][size=large][font=Arial Black][b][color=#3399ff][font=Arial Black][b][color=#ffffff][size=medium][font=Arial][b][color=#ffffff][size=large][font=Arial Black][b][color=#3399ff][font=Arial Black][b][color=#ffffff][size=medium][font=Arial]*You notice that the ink is a bit darker, meaning that this part was just written not that long ago*[/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][b][color=#3399ff][font=Arial Black][b][color=#ffffff][font=Arial][b][color=#ffffff][font=Arial Black][b][color=#3399ff][font=Arial Black][b][color=#ffffff][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][color=#3399ff][font=Arial Black][b][color=#ffffff][font=Arial][b][color=#ffffff][/color][/b][/font][/size][/color][/b][/font][/color][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]

    [size=medium][size=medium][size=large][size=medium][size=large][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial Black][b][size=medium][font=Arial][b][size=medium][font=Arial][b][size=large][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial Black][b][size=medium][font=Arial][b][size=medium][font=Arial][b][size=large][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial Black][color=#ffffff] [/color][color=#3333ff]Now, I'm just going around the Fringe, especially in Calypse. There's a lot  of people in there so it's great to meet more people. I'm also trying to get a job at Atlas, let's hope they accept it.[/color][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][b][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial][b][font=Arial][b][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial][b][font=Arial][b][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][/font][/b][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial][b][font=Arial][b][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial Black][b][font=Arial][b][/b][/font][/size][/b][/font][/b][/font][/size][/b][/font][/size][/b][/font][/size][/b][/font][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]