Azul Vitae

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Mokare, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Mokare

    Mokare New Arrival

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Name: Azul Vitae

    Description: A blue injection comprised of Construction based Nanites and a liquid mixture of synthetic materials serving as a easy maintenance for synthetics and androids. The injection is comprised entirely of Nanites filled with the blue liquid. When the Nanites are charged the liquid has a light glow to it.


    Abilities:  Performs daily maintenance throughout the body in a way a cell would by making minor repairs to the body and components, removal of waste product, and assist in internal functions.

    Conditional Abilities : The abilities of the Nanites are effected by their "Grade" or Quality, these grades are S,A,B,C,D,E,F The grade can effect how well they function, how efficient they are, reliability, and how long they last. (Bit of a limitation as well.)

    S-Superior Grade, this grade is rare, and extremely hard to produce, Nanites of this grade are the most reliable, and overall function 25% better than grade B.

    A-Above average, this grade is  given to high quality Nanites, these Nanites overall function 10% better than B grade, last longer, and are overall more reliable.

    B-Average/Normal capabilities, this is the standard grade and most common grade.

    C-Below average grade, this grade is for Nanites that are not a high enough quality to pass for B grade, they are slower than B grade and simply a poorer quality

    D- Amateur grade, this is a very low grading that is assigned to most and usually all Nanites "Homemade" these nanites function, but are a much poorer quality and overall are about 15% less effective than grade B, dont last as long, and in general are not that great.

    E- Reject grade, this is the grade given to rejected Nanites. These Nanites are unreliable, can and usually do malfunction causing quite a bit of trouble, damage, and pain. Sometimes they wont even function at all being about 25% less effective than Grade B.

    F- Defect grade, this grade is for defective Nanites and only a fool would use them, defective Nanites, are not of poor quality unlike D and E ((Maybe sometimes.)) This grade can be applied to grades as high as S, Nanites given this grade usually are malfunctioning, corrupted, and considered extremely dangerous. Defects are 50% less effective than B grade they are highly unreliable, unstable, and difficult to control. Usage of F grade usually results in moderate damage to whatever they are used on.

    Limitations: Cannot repair major, severe, or really any extensive damage such as, limb mangled, gaping hole, shredded body part etc. The repair function is limited to being able to repair simple damage like scratches, cuts, wear and tear, and most superficial injuries. It is not a *Gets cut and wound rapidly starts sealing and repairing itself.* It is not a rapid repair process and is quite slow, a paper cut may heal completely in a short time ranging from 10-20 minutes to an hour while say a large knife cut may take a few hours, it depend so n the severity of the damage. It repairs about as fast as a human body heals itself but at a rate that is 25-50% faster than  normal healing.

    The Nanites require power, they will take a very small amount of power from the user occasionally to charge themselves, this really is not a problem as the amount of power needed is very minimal. This also means that before injection the Nanites will require a charging otherwise your just injecting a bunch of battery dead useless Nanites.

    The Nanites are susceptible to EMP's, upon being hit by a EMP depending on its power and the resistance to EMP of who or whatever is being it most if not all the Nanites will be destroyed, this process will be painful to the user depending upon how many are in the user and how many are being destroyed, nothing excruciating but there will likely be a mild-moderate burning or sharp pain as they fry out from the EMP causing very mild internal damage.

    It takes a few minutes for the Nanites to gather and move Necessary material to where its needed, and thus it may take a few minutes before whatever task that needs to be done begins.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional): After doing repairs (minor repairs of wear and tear over a week, or after repairing a large quantity of damage.) it will be required that another injection of the liquid not necessarily the Nanites itself as the liquid carries materials used for maintenance and repairs, failure to do so will result in the Nanites being unable to make repairs as they will lack the needed materials to do so.

    Every three weeks maximum the Nanites will need to be replaced or they will expel themselves from the user and cease functioning, after two weeks the Nanites will begin to suffer wear and tear and function 10% less effectively.

    How does it work: The Nanites move throughout the body carrying around the Blue liquid which contains a mixture of materials found in androids and synthetics of which the Nanites use for repairs by taking the materials to where they are needed within the body. After taking the needed materials to the desired location the Nanites will begin repairing damaged material and components assembling the material as needed. The Nanites are able to move around most materials not just the blue liquid throughout a android/synth's body by grasping and, or storing the material within the Nanite itself this allows it to remove waste and unwanted material from the users body.

    Attainability: [size=small]Open[/size]

    Tags: [size=small][Civilian][/size]

    Category: Nanotechnology
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Heya Mokare, this is finally being given a look at. After rereading it a few times and giving it some thought, I am going to be giving this a fail.
    There's a few reasons for this.

    -First of all, the nanites wouldn't even be able to tell how to repair the recipient. Robot models can very greatly, meaning the nanites wouldn't be able to tell what is damaged and, if they could, how to properly repair it.
    -There's nothing said about how the nanites travel throughout the recipient's body. Not all androids are like Humans in that they have a circulatory system the nanites can use to travel throughout the body. If the recipient receives a small cut on their exterior, the nanites have to travel all the way from the interior to the exterior somehow.
    -As for how they're powered, they can't just "take a very small amount of power from the user occasionally to charge themselves." There has to be some way they do this, whether it's the android is built with what is essentially a charging station for them or that they somehow sap the power from the recipient.
    -When EMP'ed, there would be no reason for the recipient to feel any pain seeing as the nanites are seemingly a separate entity.
    -Some parts of the app are unclear. The various ranks of nanites are compared to 'B' rank in terms of efficiency, which would be fine if 'B' rank wasn't so poorly defined. "It repairs about as fast as a human body heals itself but at a rate that is 25-50% faster than  normal healing." This statement says something and then goes on to completely contradict that.
    -The last, mostly unimportant, issue is formatting. For whatever reason the scale of your text changes throughout the app.
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I will be seconding this fail, and moving the thread.