
Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Annabelli, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Annabelli

    Annabelli New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    General Information

    Ava is her full name. Created in the year 3232, she is a synthetic. She is Ultralight.

    Physical Appearance

    Ava seems to be around 3'11, with long dirty brown hair. She seems to be a female human. She's very small, but very agile. She has

    a white eye color, and very sharp features. She has quite a beautiful figure,

    as well as having a light skin tone. Uses the Nocturne Procedure tech. 


    Personality Type: ENFJ

    Political Ideology:

    This character is a very kind, encouraging, and just nice in general. She seems to get alone with everyone she can, and is able to convince people of almost anything.

    She lives to create a universe where people are kinder than they are now.


    She was created as a tour guide for some old company, until the company was shut down, and she left, keeping her happy disposition, and her kindness. She was given retractable claws if

    the need arose to take someone out, and she is able to fly, having a pair of wings and a tail, being able to hand from places.