// Auditions Are Open \\

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PUZ-L, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. PUZ-L

    PUZ-L New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    // User AmethystEntertainment posts to the Nexus \\

    Hello hello, Nexus! We come to you with an offer! We're a bit low on actors for an upcoming play, so we once again open our doors to auditions! Nothing too formal, just keep in mind we'll ask you for your experience and some readings! If you're interested, meet us at the Amethyst Theatre next Saturday, starting at 6 PM, upstairs of the lounge! We ask that all auditionees be polite and professional, and keep the auditions civil. Finding talented actors is hard in the Fringe, it seems, and it's what's holding us back from finally doing a play! So, any help that we can receive from the more generous populous is greatly appreciated! We hope to see you there!

    // End of post \\

    (( OOC Notes: You heard us! 6 PM EST, September 16, auditions are open! It'll be a discord event, so look in the GC discord list for an invite! See ya soon! ))