Theme: Hirozaku Akiyama - Kashi no Mai General Information Atsuko is a 21 year-old Female Hylotl hailing from an unknown CivSpace planet. Being one of several children from a modest couple, Atsuko was raised in a village following traditional values. Now she ventures into the Fringe. Physical Appearance Atsuko is of average height and weight for her age. Stature wise it is also average, not to chubby or skinny. Her skin colour is pink while her belly colour is white. Her attire is of a light-gray kimono. Atsuko's look Personality Personality type - ISFJ "The Nurturer" Political Ideology: Atsuko does not dabble in politics, prefering to be neutral from all parties since she has no interest in such things. Thankfully she will be willing to listen but do not expect her to choose sides. Backstory Born in a modest village, Atsuko has been a helping hand with the villagers and any outlanders who might have landed in her homeplanet as well as being known for practicing the art of fighting with traditional weaponry and a thoroughly trained user of firearms (though the latter is rarely done since said firearms are a rare commodity in the village). As she reached maturity she decided to leave the village, though always welcome to come back, to venture into what the Galaxy has to offer (though within reason.). During one of her ventures into a planet, her ship crash-landed into a forested land that was populated with Florans of an unknown tribe. Initially believing that she is a goner at this point, Atsuko was surprised when the Greenfinger of the floran tribe spared her from being eaten but must help out to earn her trust and one of the things they need help is dealing with a ragtag group of slavers who have been a nuisance with the tribe. With her help, the tribe was able to boot the slavers from her planet. Her experience with the Florans changed her perception of these species from being savage monsters as told by elderly members of her village to being almost the same as everyone else. After her ship was repaired she leaves the floran-populated planet with a changed perception, and heads to the fringe. Recently she has opened up (figuratively speaking) to a certain Apex and has since been enjoying her time with him.