Originally posted by dean is top gote Name: Arm mounted grappling hook (An example of what it would look like.) Description: An attachable tool that is best worn on specialty suits such as spacesuits or power suits. Abilities: A simple grappling hook, there's nothing more to say to that. Can also be used as a projectile weapon. Conditional abilities: Excellent in space, as the lack of gravity negates weight limits. Reliance of gas based launching mechanism makes it impervious to EMP use. Limitations: The grapple's rope is rather flammable, and should the rope be damaged, it will need to be replaced. The rope isn't very cheap either. The rope is also only able to support up to 250 lb. The grapple can retract, but it won't be able to pull anyone up. The Hydrogen gas is also extremely flammable, should the grapple be launched near anything flammable, the grapple may explode. Conditional limitations: Without it's fuel source, hydrogen, the grapple will be unable to launch. The rope is also only 8 meters long, due to the condensed size of the grapple. How does it work: The rope itself is made out of a specialized fiber similar to silk, making it rather durable and lightweight. The grapple, as stated, relies on hydrogen to launch. Through the power of pressurized gas, a simple press of a button on the side triggers the grapple, releasing the gas and launching the hook. After being launched the hydrogen container connected to the grapple will deplete, and must be replaced. A second button on the device locks the length of the rope after being fired, in order to avoid unwanted extending. The button can be pressed again to unlock the rope. A small nob on the side is turned to retract the rope, but due to the rope's limitations, don't expect the grapple to be able to pull the wearer up. Flavor text: A small arm mounted grapple, weak, but it can do the job. Attainability: [Open] Tags: [Industrial]