Argon, Hacker on the Run

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Nathaniel Wheeler, Jan 8, 2021.


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  2. Too little detail

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  4. Boring

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  6. Other (please DM me on discord with details)

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  1. Nathaniel Wheeler

    Nathaniel Wheeler New Arrival

    Jan 8, 2021
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    General Information
    Name: Argon
    "I dunno, a few dozen stellar cycles. Wait, what unit are we using?"
    Non-Binary (They/Them)
    Sexuality: Pansexual demiromantic
    Relationship status: Single

    Occupation: Freelance hacker, former data analyst, wannabe game developer
    Financial standing: "I'll get back to you on that. On a completely unrelated note, I'm gotta go dig around my couch."

    ^ Crude watercolor rendering of Argon
    ^ Argon's brand
    Physical Appearance
    Height: Tall
    Weight: Thin
    Gas color: Cyan
    Brand: A 5:6 spirograph
    Build of body: Gangly with almost no muscle definition
    "Hair" style:
    A poof on the front of head
    Typical clothing:
    In public, fancy vests and button-downs. In private, sweatpants. In both cases, wearing cheap running shoes.

    Likes: Computers, artwork, engaging conversation
    Dislikes: Violence, yelling, pets higher than the kneecap.

    Stagnation of self, large animals
    Education: Self-taught
    Religious values: Agnostic
    Hobbies/past times: Abandoning creative projects in favor of a newer, shinier creative project.
    Guilty pleasures: Trashy supernatural dating simulations
    Personal goals:
    - Resolving the bounty on their head
    - Building a 120k FPS gaming machine
    - Finishing and publishing their unique* indie project
    * according to them

    Peaceful or violent: Borderline pacifistic
    Weapon (if applicable): Pistol
    Style of fighting: Run away!

    Argon was born aboard a hylotl freight vessel. Their parents worked as a technician and a systems administrator, and changed vessels frequently. They were normally the only novakid child on board, and while they were funny and likeable enough to fit in, their frequent vessel-hopping made it difficult to build lasting friendships. They also developed a passion for computers and games.

    When they had gained enough confidence, they left their parents to become a data analyst for Pavoni Financial, located in a frequently-trafficked human system, developing games in their spare time. The stability of their living situation was novel, and for a time, Argon settled into consistent lifestyle.

    While working one day, they came across an inconsistency in some financial and shipping data, and they alerted their superior. That night, they awoke to hull breach alert, and found out that pirates were attacking their apartment sector. They were successful in evacuating, but found that the pirates were chasing them. Just as they were jumping, an EMP scrambled their pod's computer. This probably saved their life, for they ended up in the wrong system.

    Argon decided to go into hiding after this, and began performing dubious computer hacks to pay for repairs and food. Later, they learned that there was a considerable bounty on their head from an unknown source. To this day, Argon tries not to stay in one place for too long.
  2. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    yo the art on this kicks ass
    TriReef, Nathaniel Wheeler and Khaos like this.