Genetic Arcos'rath - "Call-Response Device"

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Exon, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Name: Arcoszard Ultrasonic Call-Response Device; "Arcos'rath"; translates literally to "Mind Construct" in the Arcoszard language.

    Description: Varies. Usually, it's an opening on pieces of Arcoszard technology, very similar to that which is found on the Arcos' foreheads.

    -Works in ultrasonic frequencies. Most organics can't hear it. This makes it "silent" for your average Joe Human. Joe Human also can't even use the thing - not even your Szard neighbor can. Arcos only!
    -Alive. Keep the thing it's a part of fed and it's fine. Also, EMP-proof.

    -Joe Human can't use it. You can't hand your friend your Arcos equivalent of the latest teen romance novel and expect them to do anything but stare at the weird fleshy thing unless your friend is also an Arcos, Shal'rei or Shal'halai - or, maybe, a synth with a technological equivalent to this system, at the most.
    -Alive. You have to feed it, you can't just charge it off a wall.
    -Kinda gross if you don't know what it is.
    -Distance limit! Common, consumer-grade ones only work to about 10m away (about 32 feet away in freedom units), though this varies. Big ones can be used to broadcast across a large area - a particularly large, expensive one mounted on a building could reach up to 200m (about 650 feet in freedom land), but that's the absolute largest upper limit.

    Conditional Limitations:
    -If you get a bunch of them in a single area, the commands or output can overlap. Think putting a bunch of audiobooks on all at once.
    -If you injure one, it either stops working or goes nuts and starts making too much noise - an injured call-response device can disorient Arcos, Shal'rei or Shal'halai in its immediate range. Possibly a conditional ability as well, depending on whether that's something you want to do.

    How does it work: This device is less of a device in its own right and more of a greater technology that is used in many applications in Arcoszard society; it is, in essence, a replica of the Arcos echolocation organ. Its most common application is audible records; a second language, taught to Arcos, but can be learned by anyone who can hear its requisite ultrasonic frequencies, can be recorded and "spoken" by these Arcoszard records devices. In addition, it is used for "voice command" applications - altering settings on equipment or controlling greater constructs, for example. In essence - an organic speaker and microphone setup that works in ultrasonic frequencies, and is hooked up to a "programmed" brain to control what it actually does.

    Big thanks to @Pinkbat5 for sparking the idea behind this. One offhand comment can spark a whole world of fun.

    Flavor text: Designed by the Arcos, for the Arcos, as a way to control their surroundings and technology in such a way that the Szard cannot.

    Attainability: Open because it isn't actually too difficult to get ahold of, but Joe Human can't make use of it for its intended purpose.

    Tags: [Civilian], [Racial]

    Category: Other.
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    First pass after some discussion.
    Exon likes this.
  3. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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