// Anniversary //

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Yz2, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //A joint statement from the United Nations of Scalb is released, disseminated mostly on Chinaut news networks. Translation has gotten a lot better over the last year, especially since this one is made out to residents of the Fringe as well.//


    Exactly 1 year ago, on this day, life on Scalb was changed by a huge revelation. On the 30th of March, 3284, it became made aware to the general populace that alien life did, in fact, exist outside of our planet. This was brought about by the arrival of several esteemed guests, from the stars. After a tense first contact, friendly relations were established and we opened our doors to the interstellar community.

    //A series of images and videos are displayed. First, a set of pictures depicting Valadrien, Ryder Aryon, Wright Dinn, Gronkey Vokwell, Ivan Baranov and Korba Valis'Maeor. The members of that group would be able to recognise that one member who was with them is missing. For good reason.//

    //Followed by the snapshots of the group, notably missing one member, a video is attached. The video is taken from the ground, showing a massive spotlight illuminating the area. From up in the Bernian sky is an object. Regal music accompanies it and It begins to slowly descend, into the midst of the alien crowd. Lights, like a disco ball, softly blare around it, various shades of steely blue and purple. The object sets down, an outhouse-sized block of durasteel with thrusters on the bottom. The only marking is a massive purple-and-blue emblem, featuring a winged cog pierced by a sword.//

    On this day, we were visited by representatives from the glorious interstellar nation of Purgatory City. They granted us gifts and the required technology, to allow us to reach our claws for the stars. And thus began our kind's journey out into the Milky way, into the heart of the fringe. Much has happened since then. One could say that this one year has been the most eventful in all of our written history.

    //More pictures are taken. Snapshots of Haven, Calypso, Calgo and al-Dhaid. Pictures from the Prisilite Prix race held on Scalb, in the nation of Bern.//

    On this day, to commemorate our ascension into a member of the interstellar community, one year ago, the United Nations of Scalb has declared this day a worldwide holiday. One of the few. This day will be spent in celebration and merriment. We will rejoice, on this day where history was made. We will rejoice the meeting of our various allies, acquaintances and friends. We look forward to our future amongst the stars.

    //Images of parades and Chinauts engaging in celebration are attached. There are massive balloons constructed in the streets. Parade floats, displaying caricatures of the six aliens who touched down one year ago.//

    We look forward to attending the First Fringe Assembly, and we are honoured at our inclusion. Thank you.

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018