//A video on Tyler's Nuxtube channel would be uploaded a few weeks after his death. I was titled An Apology. The thumbnail would depict a human with sunglasses, a white shirt with a black vest, and a white cape. Some might recognize this as T-5LR. The date says it was uploaded recently, but Tyler died a while ago. Upon clicking the play button they would be greeted by Tyler turning on the camera.// "Hello Fringe. If you don't now me I am T-5LR or Tyler. If you are watching this I am dead. I had a system coded so once I died this video would be uploaded." //He pauses to take a breath// "I would like to properly confess for my crimes. I am a..." //He trails off.// "Murderer... I'm not going to sugar coat it. I... uh I killed people, and I'm sorry. I'm aware an apology is not going to cover it. That is why I've decided to turn myself in. I'm not sure how that turned out. I could've been executed or died in a fight. I don't know. Or I could've been released after serving my sentence. I'm sure I won't be mourned. If there was a proper service and anyone attended. I'd like to thank you. I somehow doubt that happened though." //He sighs and reaches behind the camera pulling out a glass of whiskey. He takes a sip off it.// "I have hurt many more people though I would like to formally apologize to you. The first one of them is Senator Wright Dinn." //Tyler takes a breath// "I'm sorry. I should've helped you when you were hurt instead of attacking you. I feel like my actions have affected me becoming a citizen of Haven and rightly so, I was an asshole." //He takes a sip from his glass// "I would also like to apologize to Zrak-Tha and his people. I have killed many of your people and hurt you. I'm very, very, sorry. It's a wonder I wasn't executed or jailed by your people as there was a lot of witnesses to my crimes..." //He takes another sip// "I finally would like to apologize to the families of my victims. I didn't think of you at the time, and I'm very sorry for the way my actions have affected you. I... I hope you take comfort in knowing I'm dead. So with that, I'm out. Goodbye forever Fringe." //He moves over to shut off the camera and the video stops. There is a comment section below, but there wont be any responses from Tyler//