Allison "Spectra" Williams

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Z3R0, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. Z3R0

    Z3R0 New Arrival

    Jan 13, 2019
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    General Information

    Name: Spectra
    Age: 24
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Theme Music: :
    Skills: Decent hacker, pretty good dronesmith
    Personality: Cocky, impulsive, and quick to anger, yet secretly a caring person
    Phobias: Thalassophobia, Aviophobia, Snakephobia
    Likes: Partying, hanging out with others, cigarettes
    Dislikes: The ocean, snakes, cops, space travel.

    Physical Appearance

    Physical Description: Female human, seemingly in her mid-20s, with pink hair and sporting a blue visor
    Tech and Augments used: Two artificial organs, more specifically replacing her heart and her left kidney, an augment located behind one of her optic nerves, a visor-like device with a variety of applications, all of which are for entertainment purposes
    Height: 5"6
    Race: Caucasian
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female

    Backstory and More

    On-going Story: To be announced
    Backstory: Spectra grew up in the Ecumenopolis of Salisbrook, a planet dominated by towering skylines and neon lights. Her family was incredibly dysfunctional, consisting of an alcoholic father and a neglectful mother. At age 4, her parents left her in an alley, resulting in her becoming a homeless orphan. She was eventually adopted by two outlaws, Hanna and James Williams. Despite their status as criminals, Hanna and James turned out to be the perfect parents, treating her like their child and teaching her life lessons that her true parents refrained from doing. Spectra quickly bonded with the other gang members. At age 16, she was taught the basics of hacking by a fellow gang member. One year later, however, things changed. Spectra and her family was arrested, and set to be executed. She would've met the same fate as her parents, if one of the officers convinced the judges not to convict her. Ultimately, Spectra was let go, and given to another family, albeit under heavy restrictions. Despite having a caring family and the constant surveillance, Spectra quickly found that she couldn't stay away from crime. She spent the next few years drifting from gang to gang, participating in heists and other illegal activities. At age 19, however, things changed. During a birthday party, she and the gang she was part of were attacked by a rival gang, the Lion's Paw. Members of the Paw brutally gunned down her fellow gang members, and shot Spectra and left her for dead. Most of the gang members succumbed to their injuries, however, Spectra and a few members managed to survive. In order to save her life, paramedics were forced to replace various parts of her body with cybernetics. Her left kidney, which had suffered heavy damage during the attack, had to be replaced, and her heart was outfitted with a pacemaker. Additionally, her left eye had been damaged by a stray bullet, forcing doctors to place an augment below her optic nerve in order for it to regain function. After a few months in prison, and a long-ish recovery period, Spectra was let free, albeit under intense probation. However, Spectra still couldn't get away from crime. Shortly after her probationary period ended, Spectra returned to her old criminal ways, joining a gang that would eventually end up being exiled. Forced to wander the stars, Spectra spent the rest of her days going in and out of jail, and joining and leaving various gangs.
    Inspirations: Blade Runner, various other cyberpunk works.
    Extra: This is the first character I've played here in awhile, so if I'm breaking any rules or this character doesn't fit the setting, let me know and I'll try my best to change it. Other then that, feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Reference Images
    Endiie and Pinkbat5 like this.