Aika Kobayashi

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Z3R0, Dec 31, 2020.

  1. Z3R0

    Z3R0 New Arrival

    Jan 13, 2019
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    General Information

    Name: Aika Kobayashi
    Age: 28
    Date of Birth: 3259
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Theme Music:
    Skills: Moderate combat experience
    Personality: Friendly and outgoing
    Phobias: Coulrophobia, Arachnophobia, Nyctophobia
    Likes: Music, poetry, television
    Dislikes: Clowns, spiders, the dark, violence and cruelty

    Physical Appearance

    Physical Description: Young Hylotl, late 20's. Blue skin, blue fins tied into a bun.
    Height: 5"4
    Species: Hylotl shifter
    Gender: Female

    Backstory and More

    On-going Story: TBA
    Backstory: A former footsoldier for the Axolotl Empire, the day Aika's life changed forever started out like any other. Stationed at a town on the border between Hylotl Space and the Ascended Superhive, her duties were rather menial in nature. One day, however, all that changed. The town, which had a few refugees fleeing the Superhive, was raided. One of the Enforcers responsible for the raid, a warrior, attacked Aika, but she managed to fend him off. Despite the best efforts of the Empire, the Enforcers managed to subdue the population, abducting and executing the refugees, and forcing the crew stationed there to flee. Aika could only watch as the Enforcers left the village in flames, the embers getting farther and farther away as their ship, the Leviathan, left the planet....
    At first, Aika didn't even realize she'd been bitten. However, it was only a few hours later when she began to feel tired and nauseous, and noticed a large bite mark on her left arm. She visited the ship's medbay, and tested positive for the shifter virus. Despite their best efforts, the doctors were unable to cure her, and they ended up stuffing her into an escape pod, which they jettisoned onto the surface of the nearest planet, leaving the Hylotl to defend for herself. After 3 long days, Aika finally succumbed to her illness, slipping into a death-like state.
    However, the planet was not as desolate as the crew of the Leviathan had hoped. 3 days later, a local farmer came across the wrecked escape pod, coming across Aika's comatose body. After 2 days of unsuccessfully trying to wake her, the farmer and his wife gave up, deciding to give her a proper burial. Low and behold, imagine the couple's surprise when on the third day, the Hylotl woke up, just as they were carrying her over to her would-be grave. Initially surprised and confused, the couple eventually took pity on her, and helped nurse her back to full health.
    Despite their kindness and her gratitude, however, Aika realized that she couldn't stay. If either the Superhive or the Axolotl Empire learned of her survival, they could possibly go after her because of her new condition. Realizing this would put not only her, but the couple taking care of her, lives in jeopardy, the Hylotl came to a tough, and heartbreaking decision. She said goodbye to her caretakers. It was a somber moment, but the couple was understanding. They allowed her to use their spare ship, one that belonged to their deceased son. After one final look back, Aika boarded the ship, leaving the people who nursed her back to full health, and her old life, behind.

    Reference Images